Real Estate

You need to invest in real estate to achieve financial security – but educate yourself first!

Real estate investing has always been an attractive avenue to earn money and achieve financial independence, which would eliminate the need to worry about financial downtimes like the kind we are currently facing.

Unless you have been living on a remote and uninhabited island or planet, you are no doubt feeling the effects of the recession which has challenged the earning capacity of even the most prosperous individuals, groups/organizations and nations.

Those who survive and/or thrive despite all the uncertainty and adversity do so by adopting serious strategies to develop and nurture their money-making skills, especially in lucrative fields like real estate investing.

However, the problem has often been that most people in society, despite being aware of the potential benefits of real estate investment, lack the competence to profitably and profitably venture into this line of business.

Many of those who ventured in without getting reliable information and education to guide them have burned their fingers and become victims of a few rotten eggs that lure unsuspecting enthusiasts into bogus real estate investment deals.

As a real estate solutions provider, I have seen this happen for quite some time, and my desire to help potential buyers avoid such painful negative experiences means that I ALWAYS focus FIRST on educating them on the proper form or process of investing in real estate. real estate. .

I offer you details on how to confirm the condition of the land or building, and the relevant documents that you must have, while ensuring your investment in the future.

For example, I am often asked certain questions about the real estate solutions I offer by different potential clients. These same questions are being asked of others who do what I do, in the industry, including the corrupt looking to mislead, or even mislead, their customers.

In my case, I have developed the discipline over the years to tell the truth to every customer regardless of whether or not it might lead to a lost sale.

In the short term this may seem counterproductive, however in the long term, as my experience has repeatedly shown, it can pay big dividends in the form of powerful name/brand credibility due to your demonstrated integrity.

Here is an example of the answers I give to questions commonly asked by potential buyers:

Question: Distance (Isn’t that property too far from the city?)

Answer: Distance doesn’t really matter when it comes to making money. For example, most of us leave our various hometowns to do business in Lagos. Why? For the value and monetary benefits that we hope to obtain. Some of us own property outside of Nigeria, so acquiring some here in Nigeria’s new Lagos, currently attracting countless foreign investors, with its enormous potential and wealth, can only make MORE sense!

Notice from the above that my answer was given using points that were obvious and therefore easy to accept. In other words, they were based on verifiable facts and devoid of sentiment or exaggeration.

It is this sincere disposition that draws potential buyers to connect with me, long after I have engaged with them.

true story example

A few years ago, a former client recommended me to the London-based director of social responsibility from a senior decision-maker at the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

We had a serious phone conversation here in Nigeria, and he finally came in for an inspection and bought 2 acres (12 parcels).

As I write these words, those parcels remain secure on our Dominion Gardens and Parks estate and have appreciated greatly in value ever since, as you can imagine.

For that buyer, who today owns those parcels, there is no doubt that she has reaped multiple returns on that investment made a few years ago.

However, all that was needed was the ability to make an accurate and well-informed DECISION to choose and purchase the right type of property at the right place, from the right source.

The best way to achieve the above combination of favorable circumstances (ie everything “right” you need!) is to contact a tried, tested and true provider of the solutions you need.

The client who referred me to this lady did so based on the memory that I delivered what I promised and landed the property at affordable prices, with valid documentation and without complications.

Your future financial independence can be secured through a smart investment in real estate.

But you have to start by giving yourself the right kind of information and education in order to get it right.

Take some time to identify a trusted expert who can advise you to achieve your chosen goal.

Do it FIRST, before you consider reaching into your pocket to pay for any property.