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Why We Want You To Be Rich: Two Men, One Message

“Why We Want You To Be Rich: Two Men, One Message” by Donald J. Trump and Robert T. Kiyosaki (along with Meredith McIver and Sharon Lechter) is not my favorite Donald Trump book, nor is it my favorite Roberto Kiyosaki book . However, I enjoyed this collaboration of the two financial giants and found that the book got me thinking about some things that will help me in my future, and that is what I think the two of them set out to do.

If you want a book where Trump and Kiyosaki say, “Do A, then do B, and then do C, and you’ll be rich like us,” you’re going to be sorely disappointed in this book. I think a lot of the negative reviews are from people who wanted that advice and promise of riches. The title of the book even says “why” and not “how” when it comes to making wealth.

I think the best way to read the book is to read one chapter at a time and then think about the questions that are asked at the end of the chapter and how what they wrote might apply to your own particular situation. Or perhaps, read the entire book and then go back chapter by chapter and think about the questions they raise.

Parts one and two are motivational with chapters like: Our Shared Concerns, Why We Want You to Be Rich, Winners Take Control, and Think Big – Think Big. Some of this has come up in a similar or the same way in some of these two’s other books, but it was still motivating and helps you think creatively. Parts three, four and five are interesting because the chapters are questions and you get Kiyosaki and Trump’s answers to the questions. Such as: What did you learn from your mother and father? What did you learn from school? What did you learn from business? What should I do about different life situations?

Nothing they write is earth breaking and once you read the book you can apply it and become rich overnight. However, if you think about what they write and then think about yourself and what you have learned and what you can do in the future, I think you will be surprised how useful this book can be.

I like Donald Trump, I like Robert Kiyosaki, and I liked Why We Want You To Be Rich. Again, this is a motivational book and a book to make you think, rather than a “how to”. So if you want to do some thinking about your life and your future, read this book to get stimulated on what to think about in a positive way.