Legal Law

Why are men and women who sleep around each other described differently?

It may be unfair, but it’s still true that a man who sleeps gets credit for his efforts, while women who sleep get smeared as sluts. People look at it and describe it differently.

This is due to social attitudes towards the opposite sexes, meaning that one is portrayed more favorably than the other. Women are judged by how they behave. In terms of how they dress and how they live their lives. If women wear short dresses or miniskirts, they are viewed unfavorably by the media. And if the media portrays something in a negative light, it is more than likely that the general public will see it the same way.

Men earn the respect of their friends by the number of women they can sleep with. Male bravado dictates that the more women you sleep with, the better guy you become. If you can tell a story and join the pickup chat, you’ll fit in better socially. There are some things about dating and love that men don’t see well. Cheating, sleeping with a friend’s ex or current girlfriend are actions that will cause rifts in social circles.

Women who sleep are not attractive to men. Men like that their women are unique and different, and that they have not slept with as many or more people than they have. Horny women may be fine for one night stands, but there’s no way a self-respecting guy is going out with a whore for an extended period of time. This will obviously play into the minds of women when it comes to dating and therefore they will dress classier and act more accordingly.

However, men and women who sleep with multiple people often find refuge in each other. They do it because they can relate to each other and interestingly, these types of couples often stay loyal and faithful to each other.

The media build certain attitudes towards men and women. Sleeping women are frowned upon and men can be considered hunks and sex symbols. The contrast between the two sexes is stark and attitudes are definitely reflected in everyday life.

So if you’re a woman, it’s not okay to lie down. But if you’re a guy, then knock yourself out because you can basically do whatever you want.