Lifestyle Fashion

When a Leo Man Ignores You: How to Rekindle His Interest

When a Leo man ignores you, he can leave you sitting in a puddle of confusion. In your mind, everything between the two of you was going very well. Then all of a sudden he started backing up until he completely stopped talking to you. Try as you might, you can’t figure out what went so horribly wrong. The truth is, Leo men can be quite fickle and even an inadvertent and innocent mistake on the part of a woman can drive him away forever. Fortunately, that mistake can be undone if you know how to handle it.

The first thing to think about when a Leo man ignores you is how much attention you were paying him before he retired. One aspect of Leo’s male personality that you should always focus on is his need for attention. We all want to feel adored and appreciated by the person with whom we are involved. For Leo men, this is no exception. If you were worried or pushed him down on your priority list lately, that would definitely cause a change in his feelings for you.

Leo men can also hold a grudge at times, even over seemingly innocent things. One of the most endearing qualities of these men is their passion and desire to be deeply connected with the women they love. If you said something that hurt him, he may not be too quick to let it go. It will linger and fester within him and if he doesn’t feel that you are truly sorry, he will separate from you.

Don’t give up when a Leo man ignores you. Right now, he’s just boiling in his feelings, but that won’t last forever. You can bring it closer by reestablishing a connection with it. Start by apologizing if you actually did something that you know hurt or upset you. Be direct and genuine. Don’t try to explain your behavior, as Leo men are all about recognizing who you are as a person. He will respect you more if you open up and try to make amends.

You know very well how stubborn Leo men can be. Pushing him to pay more attention to you will only backfire. You may get so frustrated and annoyed with your repeated attempts to get their attention that it will disrupt things forever.

Instead, take it easy and move at the pace that he sets. Stay in touch with him by sending him a short email or text message every few days. Keep your subjects light and fun. He will see that you are making an effort and will definitely pique his interest again.