Digital Marketing

What to tell your interview guest to expect before the interview

Their experts expect you to act like a professional. He will need to tell you exactly how the interview will take place.

This is how I handle it. You will explain to them that you will call them by phone. You tell them you need them to be on a landline. You don’t want them talking on a cell or cordless phone. You explain that you need an hour for the interview.

You explain that you don’t want interruptions. You tell them that you are going to record the interview. You relax them by telling them it’s just you and me talking. Tell them that you will retain all rights to the audio interview, but that after the interview is over, you will provide them with a copy to review. Then tell them that once editing is complete, you’ll post the interview on your website.

All this is negotiable. Most people understand that when someone interviews you, they are promoting their book and talking about their website. It is important that you take control and establish the criteria and ground rules for the interview.

Take charge and be confident because you are the boss and they will follow you and do what you say. I called it the attitude. If you’re doing them a favor, you have to have the attitude. You are doing them a favor, interviewing them, not the other way around.

All of that comes with your confidence. And so if you don’t have the confidence, just act like you do, even if you don’t.