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Traps for racing lofts

As you may know, there are many different types and styles when it comes to traps for your loft. Some work great for racing, others not so much. Here I will discuss four different types of traps and let you know which ones are best for your racing pigeons.

A loss trap is a fantastic trap. It consists of multiple screens, so that only one pigeon can enter at a time, and on top of that there is a locking mechanism that locks the pigeon there, until the fancier opens it, and allows the pigeon to enter the loft. Works great for pigeon racing.

A bob trap is a great idea, but for carrier pigeons it doesn’t work as well as some of the others. The bob trap is a very simple design. The trap like a door that only turns in one direction, with rods or springs. So the pigeon has to push it to get in, and then the door closes behind them, locking them in. As you can see, the pigeon may hesitate to open the door, which will cost you valuable time, time that a door cannot waste. So, like I said, it’s not the best choice for a homing pigeon trap.

An open door trap is another trap with a simple design. This trap has a hinged door that can be opened, closed or half open. Depending on what you’re using it for. This trap will allow pigeons to enter and go directly to their nest. It’s great, especially for training, and works well for racing, but I personally prefer the stall trap.

The sputnik trap is the last trap I will talk about today. It is much more complex than the others, if you buy it, it will also cost you more. But it has its advantages. It’s like an all-in-one package. There are different variations of the sputnik trap, but most of them consist of a trap, a landing board, some kind of birdhouse. They work well, but if money is an issue it may not be the best option as it has things you may not need. However, the trap itself works fine.

In general, in my opinion, a stall trap works best for racing pigeons, there is no doubt when the pigeons fall into the trap. And they’re locked so you can easily remove the counter. It is quite simple, but extremely effective. But try a couple and find out for yourself which you prefer for your homing pigeon trap!