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To build self-confidence and easily influence people, learn how to speak in public!

No one is born with courage and self-confidence. You develop it. And that happens through practice. Every time you expose yourself to a situation that scares you and make a conscious effort to overcome that fear and function normally, you will improve. Sooner than later, you’ll wonder why it was ever a problem for you. My purpose here is to provide an introductory perspective on how learning to speak in public can equip ANYONE with the requisite interest, who is willing to take the necessary action, with the ability to confidently address any individual or group audience in a way that influence them to agree with his/her train of thought or do what you want.

“There is no other achievement, that any man can have, that makes for such a quick career and assures him of recognition as the ability to speak acceptably.” -Chauncey M. Depew

The true story of a business owner who lacks the courage and self-confidence to approach high-profile clients

In early September 2011, a young man called me on my mobile line and introduced himself as a Catfish Farm startup owner, adding that he got my phone number from an article I wrote on my Cost-Saving Farm Biz website. Support titled “Producing good catfish is important, but finding good buyers is imperative!”

In it, I recommended that if they want to ensure they get the best prices for their table-size fish, farm owners should only approach hotel, restaurant, and bar owners (who often buy in bulk) and make an offer. attractive that requires insurance. of buying your catfish in bulk which will soon be ready.

This young man would end by confessing that it was difficult for him to imagine walking into a hotel without knowing anyone, and making such an offer, adding “How can I just walk into the place and ask for the owner, just like that?

It was then that I realized that he lacked the courage and self-confidence to do what I had suggested! The truth is that many business owners NEED to learn public speaking in order to prepare themselves to do the necessary sales and marketing for their businesses effectively.

Learn public speaking and gain self-confidence PLUS the ability to get people to do what you want

When I say public speaking, I mean situations where you speak to individuals and/or groups of people. Developing the ability to express yourself in a way that commands your listeners’ attention, interest, and agreement is an invaluable skill.

Which of these groups do you belong to?

has). Business owners:Selling and marketing is about getting people to do what you want, which is to BUY. Nine times out of ten, that process will involve TALKING to them. If you learn how to speak in public, your chances of gaining more clients will increase dramatically.

Why? Because you will be MORE convincing when you speak. If yours is a large company, you may also need to target employees, their unions, or even your shareholders. Learning to speak in public will make you more effective in doing so. And your company’s performance would reflect that.

b). Career people:Getting ahead in the workplace is about getting results in your work. Very often, especially in lower and middle management, your technical competence will help or speak for you.

But even at that level, if you manage teams or large workforces, your public speaking skills can help you avoid union problems, even if you’re not an HR person. A good speaker can get people to listen and convince them to see reason.

To rise in top management, your SOFT SKILLS come into play. Your ability to communicate effectively can determine how well you perform, because at this level, you’ll need to address other senior executives on various issues, sometimes in order to influence them to see things your way. If you lack effective public speaking skills, you can change yourself!

against). Aspiring Speakers:Maybe you’re an expert in your field and would like to get paid to talk about what you know. Therefore, learning to speak in public would be the logical thing to do.

So how do you go about learning public speaking?

I offer some suggestions:

1. Get and read Dale Carnegie’s book titled “How to Build Confidence and Influence People When Speaking in Public.” It is a small book, but full of very practical ideas and wisdom based on experience.

Read Daniel M. Wood’s true story on his blog about how Dale Carnegie’s book helped him when he was learning to speak in front of crowds, and why he still keeps it in his back pocket just in case… Visit his blog

2. Explore the Internet: Many websites offer a variety of useful articles, reports, DVDs, books, and other learning resources for speakers. Invest some time in targeted online searches and you’re sure to find lots of useful stuff, many FREE that offer helpful ideas to get you started.

3. Get a competent mentor: In almost every area of ​​life endeavor, spending quality time with a more experienced and competent person can dramatically boost your learning and equip you for success faster than simply taking formal classes. Find a tried and tested public speaking expert and ask them for help.