Arts Entertainments

The #1 Effective Prayer Solution Every Wife Needs To Know!

If you are one of the wives whose goal is to have your prayers answered, then I have an effective sentence solution here you need to learn about FAST.

The big idea behind this solution is Pray the word of God with faith

The #1 thing you need to understand with this is that: You need to know some Scriptures that relate to the situation you are praying for God to handle.

Here are some important truths:

  • If you know the Word of God, it speaks His language.
  • God’s Word echoes His heart to your situation
  • Praying the Word of God with faith gets His attention
  • The Word of God fights against the problems you face.

This is very important for every wife because
if you do not use the word of God you are in danger to talk about your feelings, emotions and circumstances, which will not improve your situation. In fact, it could make your situation worse.

If you continue to do this, you will finally echo the heart of satan. As you continue to speak, your heart will magnify in your heart and create an image that goes against the solution you want to see.

In case you’re wondering, the next step here is: you have to find 1-2 biblical passages that are relevant to your situation.

For example, if you are struggling financially, some scriptures you can talk about include: Philippians 4:19 and 3 John 2.

Or if you are dealing with illness, you can use 1 Peter 2:24 and Matthew 8:17.

And if you have marital problems, you can use: Romans 4:17, 1 Peter 3:1,4 and 7, as well as Colossians 1:14.