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Symptoms Of Chronic Candidiasis: What Are The Symptoms And Cure Of Chronic Candidiasis?

Candidiasis is a condition that results from the excessive activity of the candida yeast present in the intestine and gut of the human body. It is usually a useful yeast that helps the digestion process. Also, there are helper bacteria present in the body that keep this yeast in check. Due to some conditions, when the body’s immunity is reduced, the activity of candida will increase, leading to candidiasis and yeast infections. When this condition becomes severe, it can become chronic.

Some of the symptoms of candidiasis are as follows:

1. Oral candidiasis or thrush.

2. Toenail fungus infection on legs.

3. Itching and burning of the skin, especially in the genital region

4. Burning sensation and pain during urination and intercourse.

5. Pain and redness in the vagina or penis.

In chronic conditions, there are much more dangerous symptoms than the above symptoms. Candida can cause skin disorders like acne on the face, stomach disorders like IBS, constipation, diarrhea, gas, etc., fatigue, shortness of breath, lack of concentration, and even sexual dysfunction.

It can take a toll both emotionally and physically. It is important to treat this infection as soon as possible to avoid serious complications.

The best way to treat candida is to turn to natural holistic methods. Conventional medicines do nothing to treat candida and only treat the external symptoms like itching, burning etc. Therefore, it is common to find people who have recurrent yeast infections when taking over-the-counter medications.

By resorting to the natural method, the external symptoms are treated topically, and at the same time, you must follow an anti-candida diet that will not only stop your candida symptoms immediately, but also stop recurring yeast infections to give you a permanent relief in a very short time.