
Summer pet care tips

Summer is the time for fun, outdoor activities, swimming, picnics, and vacations. And, understandably, people love to share many of their summer activities with their animal companions. Unfortunately, every summer, many beloved pets die unnecessarily during extremely hot weather.

HEAT exhaustion is one of the most common pet ailments during the summer months, so pet owners should be careful. If it is an exceptionally hot day, keep your dog or cat in the house with you and a fan and / or air conditioner. If it’s too hot outside for you, it’s too hot outside for your pet. Signs of heatstroke may include: hot skin, rapid panting, muscle spasms, salivation, dazed expression. Wrap your pet in a towel with cold water, not COLD. Chill him by giving him ice cubes to lick (as cold water will make his stomach feel worse and accelerate dehydration). Let him lie down in front of a fan. To avoid heat exhaustion, make sure your outdoor pets have access to shade, cool water, and that you check them at least several times a day to make sure they’re okay.

NEVER leave your pet in a parked car, even if you break windows or park in the shade. The temperature in the car can rise rapidly and cause heat exhaustion, heat stroke, or even death. On an 85 degree day, the temperature inside your car, even with the windows open slightly, will rise to 102 degrees in 10 minutes. After 30 minutes, it will rise to 120 degrees or even higher!

Give your pet plenty of clean, fresh water at all times. Dogs can only sweat through the pads of their paws and panting. Evaporation from the moist surfaces of the mouth and nose helps lower body temperature.

Don’t leave your pet locked in an empty house or tied up outside while on vacation.

NEVER force your dog to run in hot, humid weather. Watch for hot pavement. Sensitive paws burn easily. After walking or running, check your dog’s paws to make sure they are okay.

KEEP vaccines up to date. This is a time when most pets come into contact with other animals in parks, beaches, lakes, and campgrounds.

DO NOT allow your pets to roam the streets. Veterinarians see numerous fighting and biting injuries in the summer, as well as animals run over or run over by cars.

USE a heartworm preventative, as mosquitoes that increase dramatically in the summer are carriers of the heartworm, one of the deadliest ailments suffered by domestic pets. Mosquitoes carry a parasite that causes pulmonary vascular disease that can lead to heart failure. Preventive medication is the best way to avoid this deadly disease.

WASPS, bees and hornets are also a problem during the summer. Although there is no real way for your pets to avoid being bitten, they can be treated with antihistamines to reduce the swelling that follows an attack. If the swelling doesn’t go away, see your vet!

OBSERVE your pets’ exercise and diet. Overeating can lead to overheating. Eating less is healthier for them. Don’t encourage exercise during the hottest part of the day. The early morning and evening are the best times to exercise.

Fleas, ticks, and other parasites can infest your pet. There are many good products available to keep fleas and ticks away from your pet. Check with your vet!

WHEN planning a vacation, don’t forget about your animal companions. Plan for them too. If you plan to take them with you, make sure they travel comfortably (with plenty of stops for toilet and exercise) and are welcomed at hotels, friends’ houses, etc., and at your destination. If you are going to leave them behind, make sure you have a well-accredited pet sitter or boarding center. References from trusted vets and animal-loving friends are always helpful. Check with them well in advance of your proposed trip and make reservations, leaving them a list of medications and instructions on diet, exercise, etc. Leave your vet’s name with friends and neighbors who know your pet. Leave your whereabouts and how to locate it.

ON holidays like July 4th, when your pet is exposed to loud noises like fireworks, make sure they have a safe and quiet place / sanctuary inside your home, that they are in a room they cannot escape or flee from. and that he has the television or radio on for him to distract or divert the frightful sounds outside. Keep your pet away from crowds and loud noises. This will keep you calm and safe!

By following these tips, there is a high chance that you and your animal companions will have a safe, healthy, and happy summer.