Lifestyle Fashion

Styling your human hair wig

Time to style your wig! Don’t worry, it’s not as difficult as it seems. You just have to be careful with handling your wig. There is a difference in styling techniques depending on whether your wig is made from human or synthetic hair. Today I will talk about how to style human hair wigs.

Styling a Straight Human Hair Wig
A human hair wig is styled the same as your own hair. You can curl it with hot rollers, a curling iron, or even straighten it with a flat iron. I recommend using wig products for a human hair wig, although regular products seem to work as well. It is good to be sure and have no doubts. I suggest placing the human hair wig on a wig stand or wig head and styling it as if you were styling a client’s hair in a salon. Be careful not to use too much heat. You wouldn’t want to burn your client’s hair, would you?

I use a wire wig brush on my straight human hair wigs because I don’t want to damage the hair in any way. For a straight wig, use a wire brush to detangle the wig before styling. Take a small section of hair with your fingertips and lightly spray the entire section with a setting lotion before adding heat. Use a flat iron to straighten your hair from the crown to the ends. Remember, don’t get too hot! After you have straightened the entire wig, let it cool before brushing or styling. You can spray your wig with spray oil after the wig has cooled down. Some people like to spray the wig with oil shine after styling it, but I like to do it before. It makes the wig much more manageable and luxurious when you style or brush it. If you are styling the wig, use a wide tooth comb. Works better and doesn’t pull on the wig. I don’t recommend using setting spray because it can make hair stiff or sticky. At the end of the day, place your wig on a wig stand. You can brush, comb or shake it and leave it alone at night.

Styling a Curly Human Hair Wig
If you are styling a curly human hair wig, you can use hot rollers or a curling iron. Some curly wigs hold their style and you don’t have to use any type of heat on them. Simply use your fingertips to fluff up the curls, spray them with some spray oil, shake the wig, and voila. I do not recommend ripping out your curls at all, this can cause your wig to frizz and lose its curl. Mousse works great if you are trying to achieve a wet look. Carry a small spray bottle of water to keep your curls fresh throughout the day. Spray your hair in a private area, like a bathroom or in the car. I think it would be impolite to others not to. I don’t recommend using setting spray on curly wigs, but you decide. I think curls should look natural and flowy, not stiff and fake. If you are using hot rollers or a curling iron, use a medium to low setting and always use a setting lotion before applying heat. It makes a big difference in holding your curl and preventing damage to your wig.