
Sonography School Options: 4 Accredited Ultrasound Technician Schools in Modesto, CA and Surroundings

Modesto is a California city that has successfully combined urban living with small-town charm. Located in the San Joaquin Valley, residents enjoy activities like rafting on the Stanislaus River and horseback riding on one of the many ranches. Food options range from four-star restaurant meals to an abundance of locally produced fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Diagnostic medical sonographers in Modesto, California, will also find a robust health care system serving a regional area.

Ultrasound Education in Modesto, California

The only way to get a credential as a Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer is to pass the ARDMS exams. However, certain prerequisites must be met first. Programs accredited by the Commission on Allied Health Programs Accreditation (CAAHEP) further prepare students to master the exams at any time and ensure that students have met clinical training requirements. In 2014, the closest accredited ultrasound technician program to Modesto is Merced College in Merced, California.

Since ultrasound technician schools limit the number of applicants, it may be necessary to find a program further afield. If the student needs financial assistance to study ultrasound, there are many different types of scholarships, grants, and loan packages available. The school’s financial aid office is a good place to start your search, but there are many scholarships available outside of schools. The Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers is the best starting point.

There are over 18,000 enrolled at Modesto Junior College in both day and evening classes. Within a 30 mile radius are three more universities and colleges with total enrollments of more than 19,000 students.

Salary Facts and Job Outlook for Sonographers in Modesto, California

Modesto diagnostic medical sonographers earned significantly more than the national average annual salary for ultrasound technicians. In May 2013, Modesto sonographers earned $ 77,230 in median annual wages or $ 37.13 per hour. Nationwide, the median salary in May 2013 was $ 67,170, meaning Modesto sonographers’ salaries were 15 percent higher. The bottom 10 percent of sonographers in Modesto earned 92 percent of the national median salary.

Modesto is located in Stanislaus County, California, where net job growth of 30 percent is forecast for 2010-2020 for diagnostic medical sonographers. In terms of wages and job opportunities, Modesto is an excellent location.

A list of the best diagnostic medical ultrasound programs in Modesto and nearby cities in California

School Name: Merced College

Contact person: Cheryl Zelinksky

Contact phone: (209) 384-6170

Program: Certificate

School Name: Community Regional Medical Center

Contact person: Joy Guthrie

Contact phone: (559) 459-2731

Program: Certificate

School Name: Foothill College

Contact person: Kathleen Austin

Contact phone: (650) 949-7304

Program: Certificate and Associate Degree

School Name: Kaiser Permanente School of Allied Health Sciences

Contact person: Dorsey Ballow

Contact phone: (510) 231-5083

Program: Certificate and Bachelor’s Degree

Nearby states with accredited ultrasound programs

In 2014, you can find more accredited ultrasound technician schools in the following nearby states:

  • Arizona (3 schools)
  • Nevada (1 school)