
Simple Christmas Tradition Ideas for Moms

Christmas traditions are something we all cherish and remember throughout our lives. Take some time this year and make new Christmas traditions with your family. I’ve put together a list of twelve easy Christmas tradition ideas for moms.

1.) Use the 12 Days of Christmas theme and give your children inexpensive gifts for each of the 12 days of Christmas.

2.) Put together a family Christmas photo book for each Christmas.

3.) Have a special Christmas movie night with Christmas food.

4.) Pack holiday gift bags for your family and friends. Include candy, stickers, and a little craft for each child in the family.

5.) Make a gingerbread house together. Let each person choose a package of her favorite candy to decorate the gingerbread house.

6.) Make your own Christmas greeting cards.

7.) Go caroling in your neighborhood at a family member’s house.

8.) Volunteer, sponsor a soldier overseas, or donate gently used clothing and toys to less fortunate families.

9.) Make at least one new ornament per person in the family each year to put on the Christmas tree.

10.) Let your child choose and buy an inexpensive gift for a child in need.

11.) Make your own garland out of nuts, fruit, greeting cards, popcorn, or candy and hang it on your tree.

12.) Make a favorite holiday recipe together. Splurge on ingredients for the recipe. Go for something extra tasty even if it’s expensive or full of fat.

I hope these twelve easy Christmas tradition ideas bring joy to your family for years to come.