
Simple but effective ways to motivate students to attend the virtual flag-raising ceremony

Every Monday of the week, students are encouraged to attend the virtual flag-raising ceremony, not only as a curriculum requirement, but also as an exercise to hone patriotism among our young students.

Here are some simple but meaningful or effective ways to encourage students to attend and learn the basics of having respect for our flag and the duty to preserve our nationalism.

1. Early Birds – They should be recognized for joining early while the rest were still fumbling for their lappie or whatever. Getting them out of bed, having them wear their best clothes or uniform, and being actively involved is a great challenge for children. And, recognizing their effort and everything must be part of appreciating them as great learners in this New Normality.

2. The most attentive: yes, there are those who are all ears and could really give the answers, immediately, to the questions that come their way. Praying to them for being like this could really motivate others to do the same. So they all have the skills to listen, speak, read, and collaborate with their learning partners.

3. Good Deeds: A simple act of kindness could be a great springboard to welcome them to your session. A brief narrative of ordinary people from the community who did something extraordinary like the boy who found something and returned it to the owner, the garbage truck circling to collect our daily plastic bags, a good Samaritan story, among other stories. of great value. to our apprentices.

4. Hosting – Giving them the opportunity to facilitate the activity could really be a means of building their confidence to become a tech-savvy learner, and the experience could be an exhilaration for them. Yes, relegating the task to them would be a good idea to teach them how to be responsible and creative enough to handle the activity with ease and fun.

5. Showing off your home and family: While organizing such an activity, a student could also share some facts about their family members, their art décor, or any object in their home that could be a topic of conversation. Yeah, the opportunities are endless as to how they can have trust and likeability in their fellow learners’ learning journey and whatnot.

There you have some great ideas for organizing the flag-raising ceremony among students. They would not only be developing their nationalism or patriotic attitude, but also showing their technical and facilitation skills that could be their assets for a higher level of learning in the years to come.

Let’s celebrate all the new discoveries every day and share them with others who might be looking for more fun and meaningful insights while learning in the New Normal setting.
