
Preschool Easter crafts for kids are a great way to keep them active this Easter.

Working with preschoolers is great as they are generally very enthusiastic when it comes to getting things done and creating lots of arts and crafts projects within the classroom. They are usually around 3 or 4 years old, which means they are fed up with the harsh world around them and still have great optimism. They generally want to please and receive praise from adults and teachers, so they go to great lengths in everything they do.

This enthusiasm also extends to preschool Easter crafts for kids in the classroom. No matter what activity you put in front of them, you can generally bet they’ll try well. Anyone who works with children will practically tell you the same thing.

That’s why Easter is a popular time in the classroom when it comes to getting creative with arts and crafts. The great thing about Easter is that there are tons of things to do, from Easter baskets to decorating Easter eggs.

Some Great Easter Craft Ideas for Preschoolers

You are really only limited by your imagination and the tools you have in your classroom when it comes to designing preschool Easter crafts for kids this year. Of course, you have to make sure that these little ones are supervised if they use scissors and that they have the appropriate safety sheets.

You can start your preschoolers with a simple Easter arts and crafts idea that is always popular this time of year. Take a card of different colors, reds, pinks, blues, etc. and cut them into long strips. Then, using security glue tape, have your class weave the card together to create a simple Easter basket shape. You can also bring some tissue paper to line the bottom of your baskets. Another piece of cardstock of different colors can be folded to form an ad hoc handle as well.

If your preschoolers have access to computers, they can go online (with a little help) and print out some Easter-themed images like Easter bunnies, Easter eggs, Easter chicks, etc. that can be printed and used as decoration for your Easter baskets.

An excuse to talk about Easter

While your little ones are busy making their Easter baskets, you can tell them all about Easter and what it means to you so they can get a little background on why they are making their baskets.

Who would have thought that Easter crafts for preschoolers were such a great way to get your students actively involved in a great activity that promotes group work and good communication skills?