
Pet Birds That Kids Love

Parrots are great fun for your children, especially the little ones. They need active time to play outside of their cages, making them perfect pet birds for young children. These colorful birds are small and do not require much care. They could even be trained to speak. They are wonderful companions and can build good relationships with your young children. If you want a friend for your children, buy a Parakeet. Why do you think they are called parakeets? They are not expensive, so this is one more reason for you to choose them, they are not very noisy, they live about 15 years and do not require special food, only fresh vegetables that you can buy in any greengrocer

FINCHES live for about 7 or 8 years, they are not very messy birds and do not require a lot of interaction. With their soft squeaks and chatter they bring you many fun and enjoyable moments with their relaxing “music”. They are beautiful and fascinating to watch. They prefer the company of birds, so if you choose a finch, you’d better buy a pair of finches. Please note that you should not remove the fins from the cage. So you should buy them a big cage because they like to fly. If your child dreams of physically interacting with a bird, choose another.

CANARIES also make excellent pets for your children. They are from the finch family and have a wide range of colors. They do not need a pet bird because they are not as social as other members of the finch family. They live from 10 to 15 years. The males sing beautifully, which is very relaxing for humans. Canaries do not require a lot of attention, they are perfect for a first time owner.

COCKATIELS, being large birds, are perfect for older children who like to interact with pets. They are interesting in that they can be taught to talk, do funny tricks or whistle. They need more time to interact than other smaller birds and enjoy time outside of the bird cage. They also require a large cage space for exercise, so there should be perches and toys in the cage for play. Most of these birds live for about 30 years.

DIAMOND PIGEONS are small birds and need the company of other pigeons and require a lot of space. They are calm and cute and you don’t have to spend a lot of time with them. There should be a few perches in the cage as they prefer to perch or perch on high, flat surfaces. They live for 12-15 years.

Peach-dark Lovebirds are only 6 ½ inches and live 20 years. They are capable of learning a few tricks, they are very energetic and colorful. They are not as loud as larger parrots. But they can also become territorial and protective. They require lots of toys, posts, and a play gym. You should change the water once a day and clean the cage.

SPECTACLED PARROTS are small 5-inch birds, very energetic and suitable for adolescents. He needs a lot of space to play with his toys, change the water once a day and clean the cage. They also require time for personal interaction and activity. These curious and even feisty little creatures don’t come cheap and live 20 years or more and need more food than other birds.


At first, you need to determine how mature your child is. In general, children under the age of 7-8 are not ready to take care of a pet, of course, there are some exceptions where some children behave more responsibly than their peers. First see how your child and a bird will feel and interact together, so visit a breeder or pet store. Observe how long the bird will hold your child’s attention and whether it will react badly if bitten, for example. Otherwise, the care of the pet bird will be your responsibility. You need to make sure that your child is consistent in caring for the birds, as they need daily attention and social interaction. Remind your child what his responsibilities will be: cage cleaning, daily water change, feeding, etc. Children usually promise to do it but often forget, so you need to remind them to keep their word unless you or your pet suffers.

What about the noise? Some of the birds like to sing and chat all day. Of course, there are some types of birds that are quieter, but they even tend to be more vocal if they live in homes with children, perhaps because they respond to children’s voices. If volume is an issue, you should choose those that are less loud.

Children often don’t realize that birds are fragile and could easily hurt or even kill their pet when they carelessly hug or move it. With larger birds there is another risk: the child may be bitten or startled by them. Your children have to be aware of this risk and be very careful not to hurt themselves to keep the birds out of their faces.

We hope all this has helped you decide if the bird as a pet is good for you and your child or to try another pet.