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Penis Survival Guide: Cold Weather Care Tips

For men who love to ski, ice-fish, snowmobile, and other cold-weather sports, the winter months can be the most exciting time of the year. On the other hand, even though the sun is lower in the sky and there are fewer concerns about harmful UV rays, weather conditions can still be harsh on sensitive skin. While many men know to carry lip balm, and some may even admit to using skin lotion against the drying effects of winter on their faces and hands, extra penis care is also needed this time of year.

Many men experience penile symptoms such as the following during the coldest part of winter:

Red, Cracked, and Scaly Skin: Even when you’re dressing for the weather, cold weather can deplete your skin’s natural moisture, causing it to crack. Additionally, heating the home or workplace tends to dry out the air, creating an arid environment that can be harsh on sensitive skin. These factors can cause discomfort and put an end to plans for long evenings in front of the fire with an intimate partner.

chafing from clothesHeavier winter clothing and sports equipment such as ski pants can create additional chafing in the groin area, wearing down the delicate skin and causing dryness and irritation. Dry, cracked skin is prime territory for bacterial and fungal infections to take hold, causing more unpleasant symptoms and prolonging the problem.

Chapping due to physical activity: Even on the coldest days, men can sweat when exercising or playing outside. While cold air can be invigorating during exercise, once the body begins to cool down, the dampness in the groin area combined with the cold can cause the skin to crack, ache, and look distressed.

When to get help

Dry, cracked, irritated or red skin is not always a sign of cracking or dehydration. Some common skin conditions, such as balanitis, candidiasis, and lichen planus, to name a few, can cause similar symptoms. If the cracked-looking skin is accompanied by a thick, whitish discharge, if the skin feels warm to the touch, or if the condition does not respond quickly to treatment, treatment by a qualified medical professional may be necessary.

Keeping the cold at bay

To avoid the damaging effects of winter on the penis, men can take some common-sense measures to combat the cold:

1. Layer up.Dressing for the weather is really a no-brainer, but it does make a difference. Although it is not foolproof, dressing in warmer clothing can protect the body against the drying effects of the cold. Starting with comfortable, non-binding underwear made of cotton can protect the penis from direct contact with rougher fabrics like wool. For sports, underwear that wicks moisture away from the body is recommended, as it can prevent sweat from building up. Long underwear is ideal for wearing under ski pants or regular clothing and can keep the area warm and dry.

2. Keep clean.Washing away accumulated dead cells and oils can help keep penile skin healthy and maintain the integrity of its surface. Using regular soap is not recommended, as these can contain harsh chemicals that can further dry out your skin. A gentle cleanser made with natural ingredients may work best.

3. Humidity matters. The most effective way to prevent dehydration and cracking is to keep the area well hydrated. All-natural moisturizers, like shea butter or coconut oil, are very effective, and shea butter, in particular, is gentle on sensitive skin. A vitamin E preparation provides a natural barrier to retain skin moisture, combating the effects of cold and chafing caused by heavy clothing.

4. nourishing the penis To prevent the cold winter months from taking their toll, it’s important to replenish nutrients that can be depleted due to dry, stressed skin. Apply a quality penile nutrient formula (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) As part of the daily care routine it can help replenish the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants needed to promote healthy, smooth skin, fight bacteria and other invaders, and maintain the skin’s natural moisture balance.