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Nursing Schools

As the name suggests, nursing schools are educational institutes that provide formal education and training to become a nurse. People who aspire to a stable and well-paying nursing career must first obtain degrees and certifications from the best nursing schools that offer various programs, such as a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) or a Registered Nurse (RN) certification. Individuals can also opt for specialty areas such as the certified nurse midwife program. Eligibility criteria may vary from state to state for admission to different nursing education programs.

Some of the world famous nursing schools include the University of Phoenix, Sanford-Brown College, Bethel University, and Walden University. Individuals can also choose from one of the best nursing schools in Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, and Louisiana. Some of the other states that offer reputable nursing schools are Maine, Massachusetts, Ohio, North Dakota, Washington, Rhode Island, Texas, Vermont, and Virginia.

Due to the increasing competition in the field of nursing education, most of these top nursing schools impart high-quality education to maintain a distinguished position of their own. They offer a systematic curriculum and convenient class times combined with learning groups, learning teams and alumni networks. Students are given homework, projects, and activities to improve their skills. They are well equipped with high-tech laboratories, modern classrooms and advanced equipment and are mostly associated with renowned hospitals and research centers. For better attention and evaluation of students, the teacher-student ratio in the best schools is restricted to 20:1.

Nursing schools continue to prove beneficial to the students who graduate there. These schools are also evaluated and ranked by nationally recognized organizations such as the US News and World Report Rankings and the National Institute of Health Report on Research Grant Funding. Over the years, schools of nursing have taken great initiative and have played an important role in supporting the educational environment necessary to uphold the standards of nursing science.