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Node JS frameworks that take web development to a new level

Node JS itself has been the event-driven Javascript runtime used by most developers to build real-time websites and applications, regardless of complexity level. The biggest thing that appeals to everyone is the asynchronous input and output capability. It deliberately strives to optimize web applications using different input/output operations. Also, more importantly, it is a server-side and client-side scripting language. While on the server side, it executes the JS code, on the client side, it embeds the scripts in the HTML of the web page after writing them.

Outside and out, Node JS has proven to be the right server rule among many large corporations with high tech and engineered web solutions. Here is a comprehensive list of some of the top Node JS frameworks that hold the most promise today for building flattering web solutions.


A Node.js server framework, it is quite popular for allowing event-based communication between clients and the server. Client-side or server-side, it is capable of working on both libraries. Therefore, it is very suitable for developing large-scale real-time web applications.

#2 Express.js

Express.js is one of the trusted frameworks that support building web and mobile applications. By aiding the development of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), it enables developers to build applications regardless of complexities, feature set, and specific devices/browsers.

#3 Derby

It is one of the MVC frameworks under the umbrella of Node.js and supports both client-side and server-side scripting. Implemented for modern mobile apps as well as web apps, it is basically the key attraction for many developers because it uses a server that results in fast page loads, search engine compliant, HTML templates, etc.

#4 Hapi.js

Used only for building robust application programming interfaces, Hapi.js is a multifaceted full-stack development framework under Node.js. It has a powerful built-in plugin system that gives developers some basic advantages while creating the software of applications and services. Some of them are input validation, caching implementation, error rectification, and configuration-based functionality.

#5 Koa

A next-generation framework for Node.js development, Koa is used to deliver web applications in addition to APIs. The reason for its popularity? Enable the use of generators to avoid the use of any callbacks. So this allows developers to fix any bugs immediately.

#6 Sails.js

This is an enterprise-grade framework that makes it easy to develop large-scale applications using custom APIs. Inspired by other very popular frameworks like Ruby on Rails, it has a creative spirit that provides a more data-centric experience for every application. Also, Sails is a highly requested app that works in real time and needs features like chats, location tracking.

This list is perhaps endless. Node.js has experienced tremendous growth in recent years, with an increasing number of frameworks. However, each one has extensive advantages, ease of installation and rich features, you should have a brainstorming session beforehand to decide which framework suits your website or application requirements.