
New Welsh Springer Spaniel – Facts to Know Before Adopting a New Welsh Springer Spaniel

Breed Description
The Welsh Springer Spaniel is a compact, medium-sized dog with a robust, stocky appearance. They appear to be set much lower off the ground than they are, as their straight to shaggy hair is longer on the chest, neck, and lower sides. These sporting dogs generally stand around 17 inches tall at the shoulder and weigh between 30 and 40 pounds.

The Welsh Springer Spaniel has a coat that is naturally smooth and soft to the touch. It is never wavy or stringy with waterproof features that protect these dogs from all kinds of bushes and thorns. They only come in red and white colors, and any pattern is allowed based on the breed standards.

The Welsh Springer Spaniel is a very energetic breed that is naturally lively. They would require plenty of off-leash exercise, preferably with a large open space. They do quite well in an apartment if they are given enough exercise. They can be relatively active indoors and would enjoy play sessions with the family. These spaniels excel at retrieving, tracking, swimming, and hunting. If they don’t exercise properly, they will become lazy, obese and bored.

The Welsh Springer Spaniel is an affectionate, loyal and active breed. Some are known to be reserved with strangers, but never shy, hostile, or shy. They are known to be very affectionate with family, especially children. They also get along with other household pets, play games and make friends. They tend to be clingy with their masters and love the company of children.

The Welsh Springer Spaniel is among the dog breed that has been popular in Europe and North America due to its cheerful personality and trainability. These traditional hunting dogs are among the oldest hunting dogs, originally used to move to the net and search for game.

Watch out
The thick coat of Welsh Springer Spaniels can become a problem if not cared for. They should be checked regularly for parasites and beetles, including ticks, if they live in rural locations. It is also convenient to brush them from time to time, especially if they are going to spend their time indoors. Trimming during the summer should be considered to prevent them from overheating.

The Welsh Springer Spaniel is a versatile dog that is willing to learn but tends to be headstrong. They would require basic obedience and early socialization to avoid a timid, dominant dog. They especially love hunting, so it is advisable to train them in this sport to prevent these dogs from wandering. As with the other entire dog breeds, training must be done with consistency, firmness, and fairness.

The Welsh Springer Spaniel is a very devoted breed that has a soft-eyed loyalty just like the other spaniels. These lively dogs are good-natured companions. They are generally people-oriented dogs, but they tend to be a bit reserved around strangers. They are never aggressive and would be suitable for families with children and household pets.