Health Fitness

Muscle Building Supplements: 3 of the Best Muscle Building Supplements

If you’re just getting started in weightlifting and bodybuilding, or even if you’ve been at it for a long time, you may be wondering what are the best muscle building supplements you can buy. Although supplements should take a back seat to your nutrition and training, they can still be extremely important to your muscle building progress.

This article will tell you three of the best muscle supplements for progress in the weight room. These are the few products that lifters have truly found to make a difference for decades. At the end, you can find a link to the best and most proven guide to building muscle.

protein powder

The absolute first product on your list of muscle building supplements should be protein powder. More like a powdered food product than a supplement, protein powder can make it much easier to get your daily muscle-building protein requirement.

If you’re really trying to gain muscle mass, you should be eating about 2 grams of protein per pound of body weight PER DAY. That’s a ton of protein, and you’ll almost certainly need a few protein shakes to get that every day.


Creatine is among the most proven muscle building supplements of all time. It has undergone literally thousands of scientifically controlled experiments over several decades, and bodybuilders and competitive lifters alike have found it to be a real help in the weight room.

Creatine works by helping muscle cells produce more ATP (cellular energy) from the food you eat, more quickly. When your ATP stores are replenished faster than normal, you can take your weightlifting further, either by doing more reps or adding a little more weight. More weight and repetitions means more muscle mass built.

Branched Chain Amino Acids

This is one of my favorite muscle-building supplements, and has recently been discovered by many researchers, bodybuilders, and other powerlifters to be one of the most effective. Although there are 20 known amino acids that make up protein in our bodies, there are 3 special ones known as branched chain amino acids.

Without getting into complicated biochemistry, these amino acids are the “trigger”, so to speak, to building muscle. Consuming these muscle-building supplements in high enough amounts tells your body to build muscle at a potentially much faster rate than normal. However, you will have to be judicious when using this product as they can be very expensive.