
Making the holidays magical

Children and the Christmas season: what a magical combination. Children have the ability to find emotion in everything around them, from decorations and lights to food and events. The holidays bring out the little child in all of us and transport us to a simpler time. A time before the stresses of life took away the excitement and magic of the holidays. It’s time to bring the magic back!

How can we make the holidays magical for our children and for ourselves? We can do this simply by allowing ourselves to live in the moment. Learn to enjoy life through the eyes of a child for a short time. You never know, you might like to see life that way!

Do you remember the holidays of your youth? What was your favorite thing about the Christmas season? Recreate that event for your children. Did you attend a holiday concert or visit a light show? Take your children, they will love it too. I remember lying in my bed at night and the outside lights of our house were shining softly through the curtain. For some reason that sight always made me so excited! Because of that memory, I make sure the outside lights stay on while the kids go to sleep. Maybe that doesn’t mean anything to them, but I still love seeing the lights shimmer through the window!

Create memories! Children won’t remember the gifts you gave them from year to year, but they will remember the things you did with them. Bake cookies and take them to a lonely neighbor. Make colored paper chains and decorate the house. Play Secret Santa for a less fortunate family. Go ice skating and have hot chocolate afterwards. Decorate the house together. It doesn’t have to be perfect, just fun for the family. These are the things that children remember and appreciate

Most importantly, make time for your family. The best gift you can give your children is the memory of you spending time with them. Take the time to make this the best Christmas season ever