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Love songs to get your ex girlfriend back

The universe is musical at heart. Everyone, no matter who they are, turns to music when they are going through an intense emotional moment. Breaking up with your girlfriend can be one of the most emotionally difficult times of your life, and the first thing you want to do is win her back. Music can be your help. If your girlfriend has broken up with you, perhaps the fastest way to get back into her heart is through a song. Music has a long tradition in the world of lovers, and a beautiful song can go a long way when trying to win back your girlfriend. If you feel down and lonely, a beautiful song can help you express your broken heart to your ex girlfriend. It’s a soft, romantic way to warm up to her ex-girlfriend without being too obvious. Music stirs up feelings and the right song can evoke the memories and feelings that can eventually persuade your girlfriend to forgive you and come back to you. No matter what has happened in your relationship, the right song can help you express how you feel about her girlfriend. These are some of the most beautiful love songs that can help you convey your feelings.

The world has turned around and left me here by Weezer

In this song, Rivers Cuomo compares his ex-girlfriend to the world, saying “the world has turned around and left me here/right where I was before you showed up/and in your place and the empty space has filled the void.” … “The chorus itself expresses a simple but profoundly sad thought. You want to tell your girlfriend that she is the world to you and that without her you are lonely and empty.

Amos Lee Colors

Amos Lee expresses his anguish by saying, “when you’re gone, the colors seem to fade,” meaning that without his girlfriend’s love, the very colors of the world fade, his world is gray, and his senses are dull. and die without her. There is no joy in his life and he is unable to see the beauty in the world. The song says “I know we all / we all have our faults / we lock ourselves in our vaults and stay…” He wants to tell her that he is not perfect, that he has done something wrong and that without his heart he is imprisoned.

New lingo from The Shins

This song begins by saying, “Make me back to the pet I was when we first met / I was happier than mindless.” The artist has broken up with his girlfriend and longs for the beautiful moment when they met, before her problems, and when he was in her favor. The chorus then goes, “And if you took me like a seagull takes the wind… I’d dance like the King of Monstrosities and the rest of our lives would have gone well…” If his girlfriend had only loved him again, his whole life would be wonderful.

Not intended by Muse

This song is perfect if you want to express how fate has made your life unexpectedly beautiful by bringing you your girlfriend. “You could be my unintended choice to live my extended life / You could be the one I’ll always love.” This tells your girlfriend that she is the only girl who has marked your heart so deeply, that you never expected to be so happy with someone, and that you will always cherish her.

I’ll follow you into the dark from Death Cab for Cutie

One way to get your ex girlfriend back is to express how far you would go for her love and being with her. The song begins with “My love, one day you will die / but I will be near / I will follow you in the dark”. If that’s not devotion, I don’t know what is.

yesterday of the beatles

This song is a classic and expresses your immensely deep regret and sadness for losing your girlfriend. Paul McCartney sings “I’m not half the man I used to be/ There’s a shadow over me/ Oh yesterday it came suddenly.” He clearly feels extremely depressed without true love from him. His girlfriend has left him and now he longs for the days when she was in his life.

A long December counting crows

This song narrates the sad and lonely existence of a man without his girlfriend. She has left him and “the days go by very quickly”. She’s done something wrong and the December winter “…makes you talk a little quieter about the things you couldn’t show her.” Finally, she sings about how he only wishes mercy on him with “If you think he could be forgiven, I wish he would…”.

Such great heights of Iron & Wine

This song perfectly expresses the concept of being someone’s soulmate with “…God Himself made us into corresponding shapes like puzzle pieces out of clay.” This song expresses to your ex-girlfriend that you two are meant to be, that it’s against heaven that you’re apart, and that you’re soul mates. If you want to try to work things out with your girlfriend despite the problems in your past relationship, letting your girlfriend know that you think she’s your soulmate can help her consider giving you another chance.

Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen

Leonard Cohen sings this song in the most haunting way that expresses the beauty, the pain, the tragedy and the final glory of love. This song is about fully surrendering to the power of love and allowing love to make you vulnerable yet free. It conveys how love is everything, how love can hurt us but also save us. First he talks about the famous biblical Samson who allows his beloved Delilah to cut his hair which made him lose all his power. The song goes “She tied you to her kitchen chair / She broke your throne and cut your hair / And from your lips she brought out Hallelujah.” Samson allows Delilah to do this because he loves her. This tells your girlfriend that you are willing to risk losing everything for her love. In the final verse, Leonard Cohen sings “…and though it all went wrong / I’ll stand before the Lord of Song / with nothing on my tongue but Hallelujah.” This conveys that even though he is completely broken, that even though things went wrong, he gives his whole soul to his love with an open heart.