Real Estate

Learn how to flip houses from the star of Flip This House

Flip this House on A&E has become a talking point around the water cooler. Everyone is catching “Flip this House” fever and this season’s star, Armando Montelongo, averages more than 4 million viewers each episode. Each week, viewers are not only entertained by the Montelongos, but also encouraged by Flipping House to get involved in real estate.

Armando turned himself into a flipping machine, inspiring millions with his rags-to-riches story. In less than 5 years he became the largest residential real estate investor in the United States. He has recently released a series of educational materials to share his knowledge and help others succeed. Among these materials is a series of 5 Flip it Now eBooks. In this series, Armando teaches his readers how to create their own flipping machine using his simple system. He will show you how to flip houses in any market, even in the cold. How to sell houses without using his own money and credit. This series of 5 eBooks will give him everything he needs to start flipping houses and making money.

Armando has taken on the challenge of helping people succeed in real estate. If you watch “Flip this House” on A&E, you’ve probably seen their new intern Chris. Chris is a testament to Armando’s passion for teaching others his secrets to real estate success. Chris is Armando’s protégé and many would agree that Armando has his work cut out for him to set Chris up for success. Chris is very “green” and needs a lot of training. Even Veronica isn’t sure what Armando sees in him; however, Armando is determined to help him and Chris continues to grow and gain more knowledge with each episode.

Armando has taken that same passion into his series of eBooks. He shares his secrets and teaches people how to succeed in a competitive market. He will not only share his hard-earned secrets, but will take his training a step further. Armando offers FREE training sessions to all of his students. He personally leads training seminars frequently. All of his students receive weekly, sometimes daily, emails from Armando and personally answer questions about his frequent seminars. People pay thousands of dollars to speak face-to-face with real estate professionals, and Armando makes himself accessible to all of his students. He has been blessed with success and wants to share that success with all of you. Visit to see all the educational materials offered by Armando Montelongo.