Digital Marketing

How to publish a post on LinkedIn

LinkedIn today has 277 million members and counting. Earlier this year, this popular social network for professionals opened up its member publishing platform, giving members a new way to establish their brand.

When a member posts a post on the site, it becomes part of their professional profile and is then shared with their connections and network. This is an effective way to expand your reach and follow other publishers, including designated LinkedIn influencers.

However, one important point to remember is to always focus on creating high-quality content that is useful to your target audience. You can also check out the LinkedIn Help Center for some guidelines on which articles to post.

How to publish a post

To start posting your article, sign in to your LinkedIn account and on the home page, click the pencil icon in the box where you would normally write your status update. The pencil icon is next to the paperclip icon in the white box.

On the next page, which is the publishing editor, you will be shown several welcome messages that give you information about what you can do with the publishing platform.

The last message will give you tips on how to publish your post correctly and other things you can do.

You can then continue writing your post in the post editor, which is very easy to use. It is very similar to using a Microsoft Word and WordPress editor.

You can write your article right there or paste your text from Word or Notepad and format it later. You can also include an image or video in your post.

Don’t forget to include an author bio at the end of your article with a link to your website or blog so people know who you are and what you do. This will also encourage them to visit your site if they are interested in learning more about you and reading your articles.

Once you’ve finished writing your post, be sure to preview it first to see if it needs further editing. When you’re sure how it looks, click the post button below.

If you want to post it later, you can also do it anytime you want. Just click the save button and your article will be saved there. You can then come back to it later.