
How to fix Office installation error 1402: what is this error and how to fix it?

Tea Microsoft Office Error 1402 is displayed when you try to install the Office suite on your computer. The error occurs when Windows is unable to place a number of settings in your system’s “registry”, preventing you from installing Office programs correctly. The registry is a vital part, it’s a huge database for your computer, storing everything from your desktop icons to your most recent emails…often described as a “central hub” for all your settings from your PC. Unfortunately, the 1402 error will display if your PC is unable to insert the settings it requires into the registry, stopping the installation and causing the error to display.

The error will be displayed in this format:

  • Error 1402. Could not open key: key name.

Although this error will show up often for many people, it is actually very easy to fix if you know what causes it. Every time you install any program on your PC, hundreds of settings are placed in your system “registry” to help keep your computer running at its best. Although this is a standard procedure, the fact is that there are many potential problems that can stop the installation from placing the settings it requires in the registry database. The main reason for error 1402 is probably due to user permissions or some kind of error within the registry database.

The way to resolve this error is to make sure there are no issues with the registry and that your user profile can install the settings it needs. To do this, you must first test the installation with different user profiles, including “administrator” if possible. This will give you different permissions to access the registry database, allowing your computer to install all the settings it needs.

If you try this and find that it doesn’t work, then it is recommended that you use a “registry cleaner” tool to scan through your PC and fix any of the potential issues that could be causing the error to form on your system. Registry cleaners are software tools that are designed to scan through your PC’s central registry database and repair any corrupted internal settings. It often happens that the registry database will already have internal settings that your installation cannot overwrite, or it will have some kind of corrupted settings that will prevent your computer from working properly. If you want to repair this part of your system, registry cleaning programs are extremely effective and reliable tools for doing so, and can be used by downloading them to your system, installing them, and then letting them fix any problems your computer may have. .