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How to do the Xbox 360 towel trick – Does the towel trick really work?

So it bothers you that your Xbox 360 shows the RRoD. It can be very frustrating. Chances are you’ve heard about how some Xbox 360 gamers try to fix their console using the towel trick.

The process used to do the Xbox 360 towel trick is as follows:

1) Make sure your console really has the 3 red lights error and no other errors.

2) You need three towels. More or less the same ones you use to shower.

3) Carefully remove everything on the console, such as the hard drive, controllers, games, etc. However, the power supply must not be removed.

4) Wrap towels (make sure they are dry) around your console.

5) Plug in the Xbox 360 power supply and turn it on. Let it act for 15-20 minutes.

6) Once this is done, turn off the console and unplug it from the power outlet. Let it cool down for about 10 minutes or more.

7) Once the console has had a chance to cool down, connect the power supply and turn it back on. It should be working.

That being said, I DO NOT recommend this method to fix your Xbox 360.

If anything, you’ll actually end up doing more damage to your console. There are also much safer ways to fix the dreaded RRoD. So once again, stay away from the towel trick method.

A much better and safer way to fix your console is to use an Xbox 360 repair guide. One that takes all the guesswork out by showing you how to fix your console with detailed step-by-step instructions.

So if you’re interested in fixing it yourself, stay away from the Xbox 360 towel trick and use a repair guide instead. Good luck!