
How to choose the right dog toys

The basic rules when choosing the right dog toys is to know what goal you are trying to achieve. From here, the next step is to understand your breed’s behavior with breed size in mind. Once you have this information, the options are endless.

Dog toys play an important role in the general well-being of your four-legged members; one of the most important is to control anxiety. All dogs suffer from some degree of separation anxiety. While we can’t stop the necessities of life, like going to work and running errands, we can help our canine family members cope.

The best method to help your dog deal with anxiety is to keep his mind focused and active. Boredom is a major contributor to anxiety, which for many pet owners manifests itself in destructive behavior. To avoid or eliminate this bad behavior, have a healthy supply of toys to keep your dog busy.

If your dog is a heavy chewer, that is, he/she can shred stuffed toys in minutes, then maybe Kong dog toys or Indestructible dog toys are the best alternative. Kong toys filled with peanut butter and then frozen will give your dog hours of focus; there’s even extreme Kong for those breeds that seem to chew through anything.

As indestructible toys, the one we found to support the “Indestructible” claim is Huck’s. This brand of toy is an indestructible ball that, when thrown, bounces in different directions each time it lands on the ground, giving your dog a lot to focus on. Both the indestructible Huck and Kong toys are made from natural materials and are non-toxic.

Plush dog toys are by far the most popular toys on the market. Most are safe if your dog rips off the stuffing, but you should read the label to make sure no toxic chemicals are present. The benefit of plush toys is that they are machine washable, so if your dog likes to drool all over the toy, you can just add it to the wash and it’s good as new.

There are stuffing-free versions of stuffed toys that are starting to make a presence in the pet toy market. These toys are great if your dog’s main goal is to rip out the stuffing behind him. They are also a perfect tool for training hunting dogs.

Balls and frisbees are great toys for dogs who enjoy playing fetch. These dog toys come in several varieties so choose wisely i.e. small dog, small ball. Playing fetch with a large dog and a small ball could have disastrous consequences if the ball is swallowed whole and stuck in its throat.

Have several toys available for your pet to play, occupy his time and focus his mind. Doing so will alleviate the accompanying anxiety, boredom, and destructive behavior. Just like his human companions, variety is the spice of life for your dog, having a variety of dog toys equals a happier, more well-rounded dog.