
How many people in California have a CPR certification?

To the best of our knowledge, Cal Safety, the American Heart Association, and others have only about 2% of adults certified in CPR in California. More than 13% of people in California smoke cigarettes. What is wrong with this picture? Something as serious as saving a life should be taken more seriously, don’t you think?

More than a billion people smoke cigarettes and perhaps only 1/5,000 percent of people are certified in CPR worldwide. We teach our students about things that happened thousands of years ago, but we don’t require anything when graduating on life-saving skills that 99.9% of them would use at some point in their lives. Let’s start this right here in California and CPR Certify all children before the age of 14 and set an example for the rest of America and maybe even the world!

Help teach CPR and first aid to our children in California by supporting these types of programs. When it’s time to take a CPR and first aid class, be sure to select a program that updates its material to keep up with all the changes in basic emergency care. CPR and First Aid classes are best taught by experienced Emergency Medical Professionals who have been trained and have responded to emergency situations.

Make sure the CPR and First Aid programs you select are compliant and compliant with all of these respected agencies: OSHA Compliant, California State Emergency Services, Authoritative Journal of the American Medical Association. Maybe the life you save is that of someone you love!