Health Fitness

Herpes Itch: 4 Simple Techniques To Relieve Herpes Itch Fast

A herpes itch can be really annoying. It can become so intense that it can distract you from your work or daily tasks. Itching is one of the most common symptoms of herpes, but I know some people who experience blisters without having noticed the slightest tingling sensation, although this is quite rare.

A herpes outbreak usually begins with itching, followed by a rash and a burning or stinging sensation, and finally the formation of blisters, sores, and then scabs. The itching stage usually begins with a tingling sensation below the surface of the skin. This can last throughout the outbreak, but is mainly present at the beginning. The scabs can also sometimes be quite itchy. If this is the case for you, you should refrain from scratching them, or risk leaving scars.

How to relieve a herpes itch?
You can use these simple and effective techniques to get rid of herpes itching at home:

  1. For instant relief, use ice. Placing ice cubes wrapped in a towel on the affected area is effective, but do not place them directly on the skin or you may cause damage. Ice application constricts the blood vessels directly below the irritated area and can control the chemicals that cause itching, thus creating a soothing effect.
  2. Spent Tea Tree Pure Essential Oil to relieve the itching of herpes. Place a drop of the oil on the affected area up to four times a day. Discontinue this treatment after four days or if you have reached the stage of pain, whichever comes first.
  3. Take a bath with Epsom salts. Epsom salt baths are effective because they can relieve stress, ease muscle aches, and soften skin. All of these effects come from the high magnesium content of Epsom salts. To relieve herpes itching, you should take an Epsom salt bath in a tub of warm water.
  4. Gold Bond Triple Action Body Powder: Gold Bond Triple Action Body Powder is a fast and very effective way to relieve itching from herpes. The secret of this product is that it contains zinc oxide, which has antiherpetic properties. It has a triple effect of
    • cooling the skin,
    • Absorb excess moisture from the skin.
    • Relieve any itchy skin.

These techniques are quick and effective ways to relieve itching. Used as soon as possible and in combination, they are sure to help soothe your herpes itch and give you enough peace of mind and comfort to refocus on your daily life.

However, if you have been experiencing itching for more than three weeks, it may not be related to herpes. I often come across women who suffer from constant nerve-racking itching for months on end. In most cases, the cause is something other than herpes. A herpes itch usually lasts only a few days.