Health Fitness

Healthy Diet – High Protein Diet Information for Bodybuilders and Athletes – Get Bigger and Better Muscles

This diet is very popular with budding bodybuilders, jocks, and athletes who abound in our gyms and on the playing fields. Due to the fact that protein is one of the most important nutrients for muscle building, our budding sports stars find that an HP diet seems to be the best option if they really want to build those extra muscles.

Does the high protein diet work to build muscle? – you ask.

While we all know that protein is essential for building muscle, do we really need to go on an HP diet? Well, the answer is quite simple: YES and NO, our normal, well-balanced diet already consists of enough protein to build muscle, even for those looking to extensively build muscle.

So basically, the jury is still out on whether or not we should commit to a serious HP diet.

High protein diets tend to vary in the amount of protein you need to consume daily; these can range from 0.6 grams to 1.5 grams of protein per 1 pound of body weight.

There are a large number of foods that are rich in protein that a person should eat every day. For anyone looking to follow an HP diet, meat is one of the main sources, look for chicken, turkey, or fish, as these meats are high in protein and low in fat. For non-meat eaters or people without time to prepare these meals, there is a powdered substitute. This powdered protein can be mixed into a shake and taken 1-3 times a day depending on the product and diet.

Can following a high protein diet affect my health?

This diet is generally not harmful for a short period of time. [3 to 4 months], as long as the person following this diet is healthy to begin with. Some weight loss should occur and if the person is also doing weight training, some muscle growth should appear.

The long-term use of the HP diet is still under study and some health problems could occur as seen below:

1) Because the use of the HP diet restricts carbohydrate intake, a person could end up with insufficient fiber and/or some nutritional deficiencies. This could lead to constipation, diverticulitis, and increase the risk of certain types of cancer.

2) Red meat and full-fat dairy are often promoted in this high-protein diet, and many experts believe that the richness of these foods increases the risk of heart disease.

3) This diet could also make any liver or kidney problems worse, since the body is already fighting to get rid of the waste it has, it will fight even harder to try to get rid of the extra protein byproducts metabolized by the body.

This diet could be both good and bad for you, choose wisely and if you decide to go on the high protein diet, do so only for a short term and choose your foods carefully. Make good choices when it comes to the foods you eat, make sure the meat is lean and choose high-fiber carbohydrates.

Remember – if you have any health problems and/or take medication for chronic diseases – consult your doctor before trying this diet.