Health Fitness

Getting a new mattress can affect your health

Sleeping on a new mattress that offers sufficient and effective support will certainly provide you with a restful sleep. More importantly, it will also significantly reduce and help avoid those long-term aches and pains, which were probably caused by sleeping too much on your old mattress. Here’s what happens: A very old sleeping surface loses density or support over time, resulting in poor spinal alignment when you sleep. As your spine, neck, and hips twist to accommodate this, spasms and pain occur that keep you awake. Not only does it keep you awake, it also makes it harder for your body to go into deep sleep, or REM, as it’s called. This phase of sleep is crucial for muscle recovery, memory retention, mental alertness, the immune system, and mood.

The health benefits of a new mattress can be attributed to the genius of modern mattress technology and design. Mattresses manufactured today are designed to promote sleep and general health. Manufacture mattresses with much less “solid surface/filling”; this means that incorporating air bags, memory foam, latex, etc., instead of sponges and springs, makes it possible. The science behind it is that it helps prevent and/or stop the onset of potential stress points (caused by tossing and turning at night). Along with the latter benefit, new mattress designs also aim to improve the overall support it offers your body while you sleep. This, in turn, can significantly reduce, or even eliminate, any stiffness or discomfort in your joints and ensures that your spine is always in alignment and doesn’t bare pressure.

In addition to a good night’s sleep, every night a new mattress offers more benefits that are particularly evident during the day. Getting a good night’s sleep, thanks to not having to struggle to be comfortable at night, can lead to a healthy and joyful day. Another benefit of getting a good night’s rest includes supporting your immune system, which helps fend off colds and the flu.

So, now you’re convinced that it’s time to buy that new bed or mattress, but the mind-boggling array of options in beds, mattresses and bedroom furniture available on the market can be quite a daunting task! This is a purchase that will set you back a few pennies, so take the time to do your research and then talk to a mattress expert at a reputable bedding retailer near you before making your final decision. Also make sure you understand the money-back guarantee and warranties, in case you’re not happy with your purchase.

Happy sleeping!