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Get healthy hormones

Medical science and the deciphering of the human genome have given us, and give us, great insights into how our bodies work and how we are susceptible to disease and the aging process.

Our new insights now allow us to significantly increase our healthy longevity. And when we take advantage of these new findings, we make ourselves available to take advantage of even newer technologies that are being developed.

There are seven basic causes that combine to make us vulnerable to disease and aging. One of the main causes is that our endocrine system fails to secrete sufficient amounts of certain enzymes and hormones to keep up with the cells’ battles against the buildup of pollutants.

Our hormones decline with age, but we can do something about it.

Our hormones regulate and control most of the functions of our body. Testosterone and estrogen, the main sex hormones in men and women respectively, give us the need and ability to reproduce and continue the survival of our species.

But once we’re not at our reproductive prime, our hormone levels drop. This results in a lack of sexual desire, insomnia, impotence, weight gain, and countless other potential health problems that significantly diminish our quality of life.

So we see that our hormonal system was designed primarily for reproduction for the survival of the species. Our bodies produce large amounts of certain hormones and enzymes during our youth. These give us our youthful vitality, strength, and stamina. They aid in the battles against free radicals and help provide nutrients for cell repair. They keep our cells clean from the ashes of metabolism and environmental toxins.

As long as our bodies produce sufficient amounts of these enzymes and hormones, we will stay young. But we, and all plants and animals, were designed to stay healthy until we have reproduced and raised our young. Mother Nature has little interest in us once we have passed on our genes to the next generation.

As we age beyond our prime reproductive years, we are no longer able to produce sufficient amounts of the enzymes and hormones needed to keep our cells “young and fit.” With too little of these substances, our cells begin to lose their battles against free radicals and other destructive elements.

The cells begin to age and die. The organs from which they are separated become ineffective. We become brittle, we die.

But now we can do something about our hormonal decline.

To make sure you’re around when new health discoveries are tested and available, you need to understand your hormones and what they do for you and what you can do to keep them working.

One of the most important hormones is the human growth hormone (HGH). I will limit the discussion in this article to just that.

The effectiveness of HGH in improving health and slowing aging was originated by Dr. Rudman in 1989.

During a six-month trial of 12 men aged 61 to 81 (against a control group of 9 men), the men lost 14.4% of their body fat and gained 8.8% lean body mass. Their skin thickened, their bone density increased, and their livers and spleens swelled to youthful sizes.

Dr. Rudman showed that HGH could change the frail and frail elderly from 61 to 81 years old to their previous biological ages of 41 to 61 years. In effect, he reversed their ages by 20 years, over a period of 6 months. He concluded: “The general deterioration of the body that comes with aging is not inevitable.”

In their six-month follow-up study with the same men, their muscle mass increased an additional 6% (up from the original 8.8%) and they lost an additional 15% fat (after the original 14.4% loss) .

Others have repeated Dr. Rudman’s tests and obtained similar results. There was a cry for the FDA to approve it as an anti-aging therapy. But, the FDA has been reticent.

However, it hit the black market and began to be widely used by bodybuilders.

Then, in 1991, Texas businessman Howard Turney opened the El Dorado Rejuvenation Clinic in Mexico, outside of FDA control.

And in 1994, Dr. Edmund Chein found a loophole (he was also a lawyer) in the FDA restriction. He went to court and argued that since the FDA had approved HGH for stunted growth disorder, then a licensed physician should be able to prescribe it for whatever purpose he sees fit. He won his argument and opened his Palm Springs Life Extension Institute in California.

Since then, he has treated thousands of people between the ages of 31 and 92 to slow, stop or reverse their aging. It has reversed the aging of most. And he reports that he has had no significant adverse side effects during any of his operations.

Chein’s results for increased muscle mass were a 10.0% and 8.0% increase over two six-month periods, which are similar to Dr. Rudman’s results.

The UK researchers duplicated Rudman and Chein’s results. And, Dr. Bengtsson from Sweden showed greatly improved energy levels and improved mood.

Frenchman Dr. Thierry Hertogh showed that his patients experienced a 23% to 30% reduction in the size of their “rims.”

HGH makes fat more available for fuel. Fat cells have hormone receptors that trigger a host of enzymatic reactions when HGH is present.

HGH has also been shown to improve the effectiveness of the immune system. One of the main ways it does this is by increasing the thymus gland’s production of T cells (which destroy invading “germs”). This is especially important for people over 40 years of age. The thymus normally shrinks to the size of a raisin by the age of 40.

Evidence also indicates that HGH can reverse heart disease by thickening the walls of weakened ventricles.

Dr. Ronald Klatz, president of the American Academy of Antiaging, sums up the benefits of HGH replacement therapy:

“HGH is the best anti-aging therapy. It affects every cell in the body, rejuvenates the skin and bones, regenerates the heart, liver, lungs, and kidneys, and returns organ and tissue function to youthful levels. It is the most effective anti-obesity agent ever discovered, accelerating metabolism to youthful levels, reshaping the body by selectively reducing fat in the waist, abdomen, hips, thighs while increasing muscle mass May be the most powerful aphrodisiac ever discovered, revives weakened sexuality and potency in men and women It’s a facelift in a bottle, smoothes facial wrinkles, restores elasticity, thickness and contours to youthful skin, reverses extracellular water loss that causes older people look like old dried plums Has healing powers that close ulcerated wounds and regrows burned skin Reverses insomnia in later life, restores do the “slow wave” or deepest level of sleep. And, it’s an uplifting mood, lifting the spirit along with the body, bringing back a zest for life that many people thought was long gone.”

Dr. Edmund Chein is more succinct: “It’s a doddle! This (HGH) is 100% effective!”

The Internet is full of advertisements for HGH replacement therapies. The vast majority are sponsored by unqualified individuals and organizations.

HGH has been shown to be very effective, but it has not been shown to be safe.

You should talk to your doctor to see if he suggests HGH. In any case, you should observe the progress of the safety programs in order to participate when it is proven to be safe.