Digital Marketing

Free HTML Email Newsletter Templates

So, when looking for free HTML email newsletter templates for your ezine, you may have noticed that you find various tips and resources online. The only challenge is that some of these resources are not useful at all and others are like a gold mine.

So how can you browse through so many websites and resources and find the best quality HTML newsletter designs, for free?

The good news is that this helpful guide will help you discover the 3 easiest techniques for choosing the best design for your newsletter, in little to no time. Depending on what your newsletter is about, how familiar you are with HTML and online publishing, and a few other factors, you can easily choose the method that best suits your interests.

Idea #1: Download Free Online Newsletter Designs

When you do a simple search online on Google, you’ll find many websites that give you ready-made printable or downloadable email newsletter templates that you can download and start using instantly.

The great part is that most of these resources are free. So you can save a lot of time and money just by using the designs they have available for you.

But in many cases, you may notice that those layouts are too simple, outdated, or commonly used by hundreds of other newsletter publishers. Then you can use this next idea to get a more unique and professional design…

Idea #2: Make your own template from an interesting website design

Now this is a little secret that you see nobody tells you these days. Did you know that you can easily create newsletter templates… from any website design that interests you?

That’s how it is. The next time you find a website that you like the design of, you can simply save it as an HTML file and then use it as a basic template for your email newsletter.

It’s that easy. And if you want to religiously follow copyright rules and protect yourself, you can simply edit the website design a bit and add your own header, footer, logo, and a few other simple changes to make it look unique.

Idea #3 – Hire a professional to design your own template

If your brand is very important to you, it’s always a good idea to hire a professional designer to create your own newsletter design.

Although this will cost you at least a few hundred bucks, but if having a perfectly unique design is very important to you and you don’t have HTML knowledge to work on an older template available, this might be the way to go.

One final note is that HTML newsletters are a bit tricky to publish, so your content and layout will look exactly how you want it to – on your subscribers’ various computer systems, email clients, and web browsers.

So if you want to keep things simple and save yourself the hassle, you can always choose one of the other popular easy newsletter formats, like PDF or plain text. This will save you a lot of time in the long run.