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Follow the principles of the Karma Sutra for a healthy sex life

Sex is not just a physical act. It is more than the union of two human bodies. The true understanding of the value of sex can only be understood with proper and complete following of the principles mentioned in the Karma Sutra. If you want to reach new heights in your sex life, Karma Sutra is the only visible option, regardless of your caste, creed and culture. By following these ancient scriptures, you will feel a better bond with your sexual partner, giving you a spiritually fulfilled mind.

The basis of the book lies in the belief that with mutual love and a receptive attitude during sex, new horizons in life can be touched. This new state will be a spiritual elevation that cannot be achieved by any other means. Karma Sutra is an ancient guide to making love. He believes in the direct relationship between mutual sexual satisfaction and spiritual elevation.

This sexual instruction manual insists on the total cleanliness of both members of the couple for a satisfactory sexual experience. When both partners are clean, it’s easy to fully enjoy the lovemaking session. Many guide followers include bathing in their foreplay techniques. This serves both to clean up and complete foreplay with satisfaction.

Kissing is an important activity according to the instructions of the Karma Sutra. Kissing does not end with the lips. Our entire body is a complete sexual unit. So we must understand the importance of all its components. So kissing must include all parts of our body. Only then will we feel the difference and the importance of kissing. The Karma Sutra gives special emphasis to the act of kissing.

Sexuality and patience are very important in making love. These two also play a great role during the foreplay part. One must learn the principles of touching the opposite sex from the Karma Sutra. You should learn the differences between a pat of the hand and a hug. We all love and admire touches. Different types of keys have various meanings. Karma Sutra explains these differences. Additionally, partners in a sexual relationship should detail each other’s body weak points so that the partner can focus directly on those points.

By following the principles mentioned in Karma Sutra, you can learn the difference between a simple lovemaking session and a fulfilling sexual journey. Now reach spiritual heights with your love making routine with the help of the Karma Sutra.