Health Fitness

foam lamination

Foam Roll – What is it?

If you’re a member of a gym, chances are you’ve seen foam rollers in the functional area. They are the cylindrical tubes that range from smooth, spiky to rock hard. When foam rollers first hit gym floors, many weren’t sure how to use them or even what they were. Now, they’re a staple on most fitness fanatics’ schedules. Foam rolling, also known as SMR or self myofascial release, involves applying the right amount of pressure to specific trigger points on your body.

What are the benefits of foam rolling?

The benefits of SMR are many. First, SMR increases blood flow throughout the body. One of the unexplained problems that people face these days is poor circulation. So before you buy every compression sleeve on the market, try SMR to see if the problem goes away. SMR also helps increase your range of motion, thus improving your overall movement. Additionally, SMR can decrease the risk of injury and help you recover faster through intense training sessions.

When is the optimal time to do SMR?

One of the most common questions from clients is “when should I do my SMR/Foam Rolling, before or after training?” The answer is both. Before your workout, it’s ideal to apply foam to trigger points and then get into your dynamic stretching routine. A post-workout cooling foam roll is also beneficial, but if time is short at the gym, opt to do it before your workout.

What causes trigger points/tight muscles?

Another common question from customers is why do they have these specific trigger points and pain areas when using foam rollers? This is a question that can be different for each individual. Many factors go into why we have these areas of pain and tight muscles. As we age, our fitness level and flexibility can decline, which can cause muscle strain, but some of the more common factors to consider are:

Amount of training and intensity involved






Rest (lack of it)

Other lifestyle factors

How does SRM work?

By putting pressure on the foam roller itself, the deep compression helps break up or relax tight muscles that can form between layers. Below you will see some photos of the most common foam rolling techniques. After determining your trigger areas, gently roll over those areas for 20 to 30 seconds until you start to feel the pain go away. SMR is a technique, similar to training, that takes time to improve. Concentrate daily on those areas that are the most painful, and a vast improvement in fitness, flexibility and well-being will soon be evident.

Typical foam rolling movements

1. Gastrocnemius (calf muscle)

One of the most common places for tension is the calf area, especially in women. Posture and high heels can exacerbate pain, but by making sure your muscles are broken, your squat technique will improve dramatically.

Place the roller just below the top of the calf muscle. Push yourself up for maximum pressure and roll back and forth until you feel the tightest part of the muscle. Then, rotate or hold static over the tight muscle until the pain subsides. Repeat on the other side.

2. TFL/IT Band

The TFL (tensor fascia lata) located at the top of the hip connects to the IT band (iliotibial band) further down towards the knee. This is another area that can become extremely tight and develop painful adhesions. Again, this can affect the way you squat and perform other exercises as well.

Lying on your side, place the roller under your hip. Use your elbows to push yourself up and begin to slowly roll from your TFL to the end of your IT band. It is recommended that when starting this roll a softer roller is used until the flexibility in this area improves.

3. Adductor/VMO

In a prone position, place the roller on the inside of the thigh. Support yourself on your elbows and using pressure, roll from the top of the adductors (inner thigh) to the top of the inner knee (vastus medialis oblique).

4. Piriformis and buttocks

The piriformis is a small muscle located deep in the hip joint near the gluteus maximus. Because this muscle is close to the sciatic nerve, when it is tense, it can cause the nerve to become inflamed and spasm.

Sitting on the roller, cross one leg over the other, lean back, and roll back and forth until the pain eases. This movement will also help to relieve tension in the buttocks.

5. latissimus dorsi

The latissimus dorsi, also known as the lats, is one of the most overlooked areas in SMR. The lats are a large muscle group and if they are tight they can cause a number of problems. It is the origin of the most common problems: neck tension, shoulder pain and dysfunction, and back pain in general.

Lying on your side, place the roller between your armpit and upper back. Lift your hips up and twist back and forth until the tension begins to ease.

6. Muscles of the back

It is not always recommended to use the foam roller on your back pictured above, as the roller does not tend to reach difficult stress areas. But if your back just needs a full stretch, this position can be a great relief. If there are specific areas around the back that need a bit more detail, a tennis ball or massage ball would be better suited for this.

7. Quadriceps/Thighs

The quadriceps are also quite a large muscle group and tend to accumulate a lot of lactic acid with training. Without a doubt, after botching the leg extension machine, this is fantastic for stretching out the muscle and providing some much-needed relief.

With the foam roller in the pool, carefully lie on top making sure the roller is on top of your quad. Supporting yourself on your elbows, slowly roll up and down until the tension eases.


SMR is an extremely important technique to add to your current training and fitness program. Not only will it improve your technique and performance in the gym, but it will work to prevent injury and decrease recovery times. So be sure to do your daily foam rolling.