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Five real solutions for your life and business in 2011

As I write this article, we are ten days into the New Year, and I know that many of you are still not sure if you can make it in the world of Network Marketing. Let’s be honest, this business is BRUTAL and definitely not for the faint of heart. . Just before the clock struck midnight on December 31, 2010, I told myself that I would make this my year. My question to you is: did you make a bunch of Resolutions that you know you won’t keep, or did you create REAL SOLUTIONS for your life and business in 2011? This MAY be the best year of your life, but you must put everything into perspective with a renewed attitude of mind and spirit. Here are the 5 Real Solutions to bring you what you want in your life and business in 2011:

1) Being in a state of Gratitude: Having gratitude means being truly grateful for what you already have in your life and not complaining about what you currently lack or do not possess. Abundance cannot open up to you if you are constantly negative and ungrateful. Get in the habit of being thankful for everyone and everything in your life and watch things come back to you with very little effort.

2) Create Self-Awareness: Break out of your reactionary conditioned self and be aware of the choices you make. You cannot become powerful in your life or business if you are a slave to what others say and do. Being self-aware means that you are the DECISION-MAKER at every moment and direct your life in an empowered way. This is what it takes to become a truly powerful leader.

3) Define your Vision: What is your vision for you and your business? What are you ultimately trying to achieve? Your business purpose has to be MORE THAN MONEY! Dig deeper and start discovering your real life work on this planet and how you would like to contribute. It takes a clearly defined vision to lead you to your destination.

4) Take massive action: Get out of your comfort zone, make a decision, and then take MASSIVE ACTION. This is the only way you will drastically change the course of your life and your business. Ask yourself every day, “What can I do today to get one step closer to my goal?” Take action every day and you will get massive results in the long run.

5) Operate at a peak state of energy – This simply means being at the highest level of performance at all times in whatever it is you set out to do. Reading personal development books, exercising, meditating, and eating healthy are all ways to ensure you bring the best of YOU to the table. This is very important because network marketing is definitely an endurance game where those who have the energy to stay win. Plant these seeds now and let’s make 2011 your best harvest ever!