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Find the right job for you

Whether you are dissatisfied in your current job, or are currently out of work and looking for a job, you owe it to yourself to find the right job for you, one where you can be happy and do your best, and where your perhaps reward him appropriately for his efforts.

The process is not as complicated or time consuming as you might think. It’s actually a lot of fun and an interesting exercise because it helps you better understand what you want out of a career. If you already have a job, it is even easier because there is no pressure and you find yourself with more employment possibilities. And if you don’t have a job, well, now you do. Dive into the process (I dare you), and you’ll be wondering what you were worried about in no time.

The general order of things is as follows:

  1. Develop a contact list of people you know, events you attend, etc.
  2. Call contacts to arrange an informal meeting to discuss your company and your role. Do not send your resume.
  3. In the meeting, ask interesting questions and be genuine. Prepare as you would for an interview. Don’t give out a resume unless asked. Expand your contact list through this person.
  4. Follow up with a letter and a phone call.
  5. To repeat.

Below is a detailed explanation of each step.

1. Networking – It’s not what you know, but who you know

First of all, do not send your resume (or CV) to companies. Networking is key. You probably already know this, but it cannot be overstated. To do it properly, you need to go out and talk to people face to face. As you have probably seen, it is not successful to simply send your resume to a company as very rarely will they respond, especially if it is a cold call and even if it is a job advertised, because the stark reality is that usually I already have someone in mind. They’re not being rude, they’re just… OK, they’re being rude. But they can afford to be. Who are you to them, anyway?

First of all, think of all the people you know: friends, coworkers (or former workplaces) that you trust, family members, teachers, waiters, hairdressers; literally anyone who might know someone in the specific industry you’re interested in. Start a list (get an address book) of these people they suggest. This is your contact list and it will grow over time.

Go to functions/parties/dinners/presentations where you might meet people. Get people’s business cards and make sure you have some of your own to hand out. There are special networking seminars and luncheons that are organized specifically for that purpose. A local recruitment agency may be able to help you with this.

2. The call: be confident

From your contact list, start making some calls. Be prepared: practice with a friend first. When you finally work up the courage to make the call (the first one is always the hardest—trust me, it gets easier), tell them you’re interested in learning about companies in their specific industry to broaden your horizons, and that you’re interested in their specific company. and what kind of work you do. Tell them how you got their name; say the reference in #1 above who put you in touch and make sure you get the reference’s permission first. Better yet, ask the reference if they can call the appropriate contact to tell them they’ll be in touch.

Then request a meeting for an hour or so, perhaps over lunch so it doesn’t interrupt their workday too much (you pay, of course!), to ask them a few questions about their role and business. When you ask them for the meeting, be positive and confident. Do not be afraid. The worst they can say is no, but most people are willing to spend time with an interested and enthusiastic person, if only to relieve their own tedium at work. If they insist on not meeting with you, ask if they know anyone else who might be interested in their company, other companies, etc. And so your contact list grows.

3. The Meeting – First impressions are last

When you go to the meeting, make sure you have interesting questions about the role of the person and the company. The meeting will last about an hour, so think about how the meeting will go. Be interesting, talk about yourself when appropriate, but don’t overdo it.

It is imperative to ensure that you are genuinely interested in the company and have done your research, just as you would for an interview. But, of course, it’s not an interview, it’s just an informal meeting for which he has fully prepared himself (and brought some resumes in his bag and dressed up). The idea is to make your first impression stick so that when a position comes up, they think of you first; And even if they don’t have a position, they might be considering creating one that matches their skills.

At the end of the meeting, thank them for their time and ask if they know anyone who can talk to you about other businesses. If they ask you for a resume, give them one (oh look, I just happened to bring one!), but don’t force them otherwise.

4. Follow-up: it is essential

Make sure after a couple of days you follow up. Write a thank you email/letter saying how much you appreciated their time and ask them again if they can think of anyone else who might be interested in speaking with you. Call them a week later just to follow up more and remind them of your interesting personality. All of these dates/timelines should be noted in your contact list: how the meeting went, what you thought of the company/person, who else was recommended.

Now repeat the process: move on to the next contact on your list. Challenge yourself to find alternative avenues to develop more contacts. Find pleasure in meeting new people and at the same time learning about what you want from a career. In a short time you will be presented with employment opportunities to which you must pay special attention.

Continue to grow your contact list even after you’ve accepted a job, and enjoy the networking experience throughout your career, because ultimately, it’s not just about an employer finding another body or you taking advantage of the first opportunity that presents itself, but of development. of a mutual respect between employee and employer that will reward both parties to their full potential for the remainder of their employment relationship.