Legal Law

Epigram: a vital part in a unique article

Professor Bain defines “Epigram” as “an apparent contradiction in language which, by causing a temporal clash, awakens our attention to some important meaning below.“Whereas in the oxymoron two words or ideas are placed side by side, in this figure two contradictory ideas are usually presented in two expressions. But a little reflection reveals that there is a sharp and indirect meaning hidden within the expressions Although this figure is mainly used in literature, it is also found in other types of writing.

Speech was given to man to hide his thoughts.


Cowards die many times before their death.

Shakespeare: Julius Caesar

· I must be cruel just to be kind.

Shakespeare: Hamlet

Hurry slowly.

· Happiness has become the biggest cause of your unhappiness.

Most of the time the richest are the poorest.

As you already understood, this figure of speech gives indirect meanings. On the first thought you get a turn in the mind, and on the second thought you come to know the true meaning. It arouses thought because it requires some thought. This figure, in addition to being used in literary writing, can be used in a very significant way in the opening or closing sentences of articles, paragraphs, and the like. Quotations containing this figure can be used very effectively at the beginning, end, or middle of any writing. A drill with the following exercises will allow you to understand its use more clearly.

Challenge yourself and learn better

1. A good artist should make the artwork in such a way that it shows the work as natural. The less artificial the work, the more artistic it is. Such a work must testify to the fact that the artist has not made a deliberate and experienced effort to create it; rather he has flown from his imagination spontaneously. In fact _______________________________________

Fill in the blank space above with a sentence that contains an epigram.

2. Newton said that he knows very little. But compared to the average man like us, he knew a thousand times more than us. All the world’s scholars said they knew little about the universe. On the contrary, to our surprise, those who know little believe they know a lot. In fact_______________________________________

Complete the award using the epigram in the figure.

3. _________________________. YO(Sabuj-la Bipu Sona) I obtained proof of this statement when I was face to face with Nishat Sultana Rimu. She didn’t say a word. Not a single word. Me neither. But the atmosphere seemed to be full of eloquence. She seemed to be listening to a barrage of words. The silence was meaningful, full of communication.

Fill in the leading blank with an epigram.

4. When we are tired of sleeping, we take the time to get up. When, on the other hand, we are tired of working, we seek pleasure in a kind of leisure at rest. But rest cannot give us pleasure unless we work. Therefore, only those who work hard can enjoy the pleasure of leisure. In other words,_______________________________________________.

Fill in the blank with a sentence that contains an epigram.


1. The busiest man has the widest leisure.

2. Silence is sometimes more eloquent than words.

3. Those who have knowledge know that they know little.

4. Art consists in hiding art.

Remember: The epigram has a deeper meaning that is clear only on second thought. Remember also that the oxymoron is an extreme form of epigram.