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Dust Mites Are Invading: Residential HVAC Systems Help Protect Your Families’ Health

When you flip a switch, you want the lights to come on. When you press a button, you want the computer to come alive. When you turn the key, you want your car’s engine to start. You are looking for results. Period. That’s why you’re looking for residential HVAC in Atlanta: weatherization in your home.

On a southern summer’s day, you want the weather inside your family’s home to be something very different from what’s happening outside. He wants it to be pleasantly cool and wants the humidity level to be between 30% and 50%. The first factor is obviously comfort. When humidity is high, the body’s natural cooling system is much less effective, so when you sweat, evaporative cooling doesn’t meet the need. Lower humidity equals less need for perspiration, and when the need arises, the process works better.

The second and lesser known factor is the serious health benefit. American homes are experiencing an invasion of dust mites that can cause asthma and other allergy symptoms. The three main species are multiplying despite modern technology and apartment buildings are being invaded at an alarming rate.

There are at least three methods to combat these little beasts.

  • Low Humidity – Dust mites cannot live in conditions where low humidity persists. A relative humidity of less than 50% is often fatal to the nasty beasts. That means keeping your home and family safe from these particular pests depends in part on the reliability and efficiency of your HVAC unit. Regular and professional checkups of all parts of your system are important protection against assault by unwanted guests. These invaders can live in all kinds of climates, including high altitudes. They are particularly happy in kitchens and bedrooms where they have access to the dead skin cells shed by humans. Moisture and direct access to moisture are provided by human respiration, perspiration, and saliva. Keeping humidity low through the use of an efficient HVAC unit is a very effective first line defense.
  • Heat up the wash cycle: A recent study found that using heat when doing laundry makes a substantial difference in increasing the death rate of dust mites. Using water at 140 degrees (or higher) kills all dust mites. Dropping the temperature to about 104 degrees leaves over 90% of them alive and able to reproduce. However, if hot water is not feasible in your situation, using water at least 86 degrees for rinsing works IF THE LAUNDRY IS RINSED TWICE FOR AT LEAST THREE MINUTES PER CYCLE.
  • Heat Dry Cycle: Ten minutes in a regular clothes dryer that is set to at least 140 degrees has been shown to kill all dust mites in bedding such as pillows, comforters, blankets, and mattress toppers.