Lifestyle Fashion

Dr. Floras Colon Cleanse Review

I came across Dr. Floras Colon Cleanse by accident one sleepless night.

If you’ve ever had insomnia, like me, you’ve probably been exposed to those alluring late-night infomercials. I saw one in particular that absolutely convinced me that I “must” have a colon cleanse.

Before I pulled out my credit card, I did some research online and discovered that there were a lot of complaints and dissatisfied customers. However, I found a product that lived up to its claims: Dr Floras Colon Cleanse. So that’s the one I bought and this is my review.

The professionals

  • Customer support was helpful and courteous.
  • A full 365 day money back guarantee
  • Complete detox body cleansing system
  • Helps get rid of parasites from the colon.
  • Replenish your supply of “friendly flora.” Those are the “good” bacteria we need for proper digestion.
  • Dr Floras does a deep and healthy cleansing in just 15 days.

The cons

  • It took me a little while to get used to the taste of the powder I added to my juice, but using a cleansing drink was really simple.
  • The price is a bit high at first glance, but if you were to buy each component product individually at a health food store, you would find the price of Dr. Floras Colon Cleanse to be comparable.

what you get

psyllimax – This is a special formulation derived from psyllium husk, which is a very powerful fiber for cleaning.

Enough powder for a complete cleaning of 15 days. – It can be mixed with juice or water (I prefer cranberry juice) and is drunk three times a day.

A thorough cleaning of parasites– Clean up those nasty little things that make you feel less than good.

probiotics – Unfortunately, when you do a complete colon cleanse, a lot of “good” bacteria can be removed, as well as “bad” bacteria. You need to recover those essential organisms. The Dr Floras Colon Cleansing System provides you with probiotics to rebuild your system and optimize your digestion.

One year money back guarantee. I have not seen a comparable guarantee anywhere else.

about my cleaning

After about 4 days, some pretty awful stuff was in my stool. I noticed that this was doing its job.

Around day 10 I noticed that I had a little more energy and didn’t feel like taking a late afternoon nap like I normally want to.

By the time I finished the cleanse, I had lost weight (4lbs!) and my belly was flatter. I was able to comfortably tighten my belt by one notch.

And I felt amazing. I still do. I sleep better and my mind feels sharper.

Overall, I now find Dr. Flora’s colon cleansing system to be a very wise investment. The many benefits were amazing and I highly recommend this product for anyone looking for a complete and complete cleaning kit.