
Do you think aerobics have to be boring? No Longer: Wii Fit to the Rescue

If you are like me, then you will find running on a treadmill or riding a stationary bike excruciatingly boring. Due to this “boredom” factor, I have rarely been able to keep up with aerobics for long. Aerobics classes like cardio kick boxing can be more fun, but they have one big downside: I have to drive to the gym to do them! That’s a lot of wasted overtime that I can’t waste.

Aerobic exercise is an important part of anyone’s healthy lifestyle, whether someone is trying to lose weight or not. But it’s something that most of us struggle to fit into our lives. Partly due to lack of time to go to the gym and partly simply because we think aerobics are so boring. We think of it as something to fear. So we think of any excuse we can for not doing it.

But thanks to Nintendo that is no longer the case. Who would have thought that a video game company would be the catalyst to make aerobics really enjoyable? It’s a surprising turn of events, but it’s completely true. The only thing that has led me to do aerobics every day now is my new Wii Fit game (which I got for Christmas). Includes strength training, yoga, balance games, and aerobics. I use them all to some extent, but it’s the aerobics part that I end up using the most. I’m a big fan of “boxing rhythm,” which is a really good workout (it makes me sweat like I used to do my cardio kickboxing class) and it’s also a lot of fun. It keeps score so you have a goal each time you play to beat your best score (or if you have other friends and family who use it too, you can beat their score! That’s even more fun).

Another great thing about Wii Fit is that it tracks your weight loss (tracks your weight and your BMI), which is great if you are trying to lose weight because it keeps you focused and holds you accountable. I honestly think this is a bargain at the price they’re selling it for because it’s better than a gym membership in my opinion and obviously a lot cheaper than that.