
Common questions about divorce

Going through a divorce is always going to be difficult, even when it’s what you want to do. It is also a confusing process to understand for those who are going through it for the first time. There is a lot at stake and many unknowns. The good news is that most people share the same questions and concerns. So by looking at some of the most common questions about divorce that other people ask, you can begin to answer some of the questions you probably have as well.

When looking at the most common questions about divorce, they really can be broken down into a few categories: children, money, and rights. This is what it comes down to for most people, and while there are more specific issues at play, those are some of the big issues.

The first question involves the children and the likelihood that you will get custody. Of course, there are a lot of variables at play here that will vary greatly from case to case, although the main factor is the best interests of the children.

Another of the most common divorce questions involves both children and money, of course, and it involves child support. How much will you have to pay or, conversely, how much will you receive? The key to this is whether there is primary or joint custody, and from there it is determined by income and certain expenses, such as health insurance and work-related childcare costs.

Sticking to money, the issue of alimony and how much you will receive or have to pay is also an important issue in any divorce. There are more than a dozen factors that can be taken into account in determining this, considering the ability of the party requesting alimony to support themselves in whole or in part, the standard of living shared by the couple, the length of the marriage, financial needs and much more. further.

Two other of the most common divorce questions also involve money, albeit in the form of property and property division. People generally want to know how I protect my assets and how I can find out what assets my partner has. The division of marital property is one of the most important issues in a case and can be handled in many ways.

Understanding your rights is the next big question. What are you entitled to? There is no simple or direct answer to this as it correlates to all the other issues you are facing and questions you have including child custody and support, alimony and property etc. This is highly variable and depends on the details of your case.

With these common divorce questions out of the way, you’re on your way to understanding the matter a little better. Of course, the lawyer you are working with will be able to answer these questions and others in full, and advise you on the best way forward. Be sure to consult with a professional in your local area who is experienced and familiar with any particular issues that may arise in your case.