
cat vomiting? 5 Natural Remedies to Keep Your Kitten’s Stomach Happy

You come home and you smell something a little stale. You’re not sure what it is and then BAM! A small puddle of mud. Maybe it’s brown, maybe it’s yellow, maybe it even has some fur. You just encountered cat vomiting.

This has happened to me more than I care to admit and as much as I wish I could walk up to my cat and say, “Okay, what happened? Are you feeling okay now? What did you eat? Is this the first time you did you vomit?”, it would only be an act in vain.

Here’s the deal. Cats’ stomachs are incredibly sensitive and they are more of a slave to routine than you or me. Even the slightest change in diet, or if they eat something a little different, this could be enough to trigger them.

So if your cat has been vomiting or you want to take preventive measures to make sure this doesn’t happen, I recommend you follow the following 5 natural remedies to prevent your cat from vomiting.

1. Keep all plants out of your cat’s reach

You may not think this is a big deal. After all, you’ve never seen your cat eat your plant, have you? Well, cats are cunning. While you’re at work, they know they can’t get caught in the act for doing bad things. So they could start nibbling on your plants.

This is extremely dangerous. Some plants (such as grass or catnip) are not much of a problem in small doses, but in large quantities they can be fatal. On top of that, many plants can be completely poisonous, even to humans. The Christmas plant, poinsettia is a good example.

So, to be on the safe side, keep all plants away from your cat.

2. Switch to a high-end cat food

I’m not saying you have to spend an exorbitant amount on cat food, but you should at least look for a premium brand that has a high percentage of protein (minimum 30%, more if you have a kitten). The cat food you choose should clearly label the ingredients and what type of meat is being used.

Also take note of the amount of food coloring filler that is used. This type of artificial material is not good for anyone, especially your cat. You may not notice a difference right away, but imagine if you ate fast food every day for years. Can you think of what that could do to your body and digestive system?

You should also choose a cat food that is suitable for your cat’s age. These days, you’ll be able to find cat food for just about any stage of a cat’s life, be it kitten, “teenager,” adult or mature. Plus, you can find cat foods specific to your cat’s needs, such as foods intended for overweight or underweight cats or cats with sensitive stomachs.

3. Do not give them treats that are not for cats

It’s okay to give your cat table scraps from time to time. Just make sure it’s pure meat, like pure chicken or fish. No sauce, no monosodium glutamate, no additives or anything.

This rule should be extended to visitors and house guests as they may not be aware of it. Another cat owner will probably have to realize that he shouldn’t feed his cat, but children and dog owners may not.

Instead, keep a packet of treats handy for your cat. If someone wants to give Kitty a present, she can pass the bag to them.

4. Regulate meal times

No one wants a cat to throw up all over the place just because they ate too much. It is uncomfortable for your cat and very unhygienic. I recommend regular meal times from him. Routine is a good thing. Regulate when they eat and how much they eat.

Some cats will eat until there is nothing left, while others will eat as fast as they can. This has probably happened to you before. You eat as fast as you can and when you feel full, you also feel sick and bloated.

Cats can be the same. Instead, give them a set amount of food and no more. You may want to check with your vet to see how much food you can give your kitten.

5. Lock up your cleaning supplies

Sometimes your cat will get too curious and try your cleaning products. So, to be on the safe side, keep them locked up and make sure your cat can’t grab them.

6. *BONUS* Tip: Wash Your Cat’s Food and Water Bowl Often

A lot of people forget to do this, especially for the water bowl. Clean your cat’s food and water bowls every day. Dust, bacteria and all kinds of dirt can fall without realizing it with the naked eye. I recommend washing the food bowl before and after mealtime. As for the water bowl, I recommend getting a covered or even a filtered fountain version. Those are fun and many cats enjoy plain water instead of still water.

If you follow these 6 tips, having a vomiting cat will be the least of your worries. Instead you can focus on your scratched furniture 😉