Lifestyle Fashion

Are you against deciding to stay in a relationship and need some good relationship advice?

You have a lot to be thankful for if your husband is faithful and you never need to wonder if my relationship is healthy. While 3 out of 4 spouses assume their partners are devoted, only 1 in 4 spouses can make that claim and can honestly answer if my relationship is healthy.

A rude awakening to thinking you’re in a healthy relationship:

Every year countless wives who thought they had devoted partners are surprised when their spouses file for divorce or simply move in with another lady.

Others are surprised to discover in empty bank accounts that the household funds were used to finance an adulterous affair.

Still others are surprised to discover that they have contracted a sexually transmitted disease.

Why is the wife the last to know?

Could all these women be in denial when they think, is my relationship healthy? If a wife is not suspicious of her spouse, it is easy to miss or misinterpret the warning signs.

I need to be grateful when you can honestly answer, is my relationship healthy?

Tea race in miracles states: “The search for truth is nothing more than the honest search for everything that interferes with the truth.”

Not all family men are cheating spouses, although the vast majority of them are.

There are still plenty of devoted men where a questionable relationship is needed.

If you are married to one, you have a lot to be happy about.

– You can be happy that your marital relationship and home are not damaged.

– You can be grateful that the years you have invested in your marriage relationship have not been in vain.

– Can you be thankful that you don’t have to be in despair over pondering, is my relationship healthy? Either the choice to leave your husband or decide to stay in a relationship and try to get your marriage back on track.

– You can be glad that you don’t have to deal with the devastation and psychological trauma that infidelity brings to a marriage.

Make sure you’re not an unsuspecting wife

Given the rising rate of adultery, you owe it to yourself and your marriage relationship to make sure you’re not one of those 26 million unsuspecting spouses.

How can you be sure when you answer, is my relationship healthy?

Your marriage may depend on being open to warning signs.

The future of your marital relationship may one day depend on your ability to spot the warning signs of adultery.

If you spot the telltale signs early, there are many things you can do to preserve your marriage. If a spouse has no idea that his partner is cheating, by the time she finds out, it may be too late.

If your husband is faithful and you are confident when you wonder if my relationship is healthy, be truly grateful.

Talk to him about how you feel so secure in your trust and love with him. Be open with what you both want from the marriage.

Tea race in miracles further teaches, “Our emphasis has been on bringing the undesirables to the desirables; what you don’t want to what you do want.”

Be thankful that you somehow stumbled across this article if you’re not sure.

That being said, keep in mind that every year countless women can’t be sure when they wonder if my relationship is healthy.

Many of those who believe they have faithful husbands are surprised when their husbands file for divorce or simply move in with another woman.

If your husband is faithful, that’s great, appreciate the wonderful man you are spending your life with.

For a wonderful marriage!