Health Fitness

Abdominoplasty – A new version of an old procedure is trademarked

Flat is out. Sculpted is in fashion. Do you need proof? Read the August 3, 2008 article in New York Magazine promoting the “new” facelift technique chosen by Madonna, Demi Moore and Michelle Pfeifer. The article explains that the “old” facelift technique creates a lifted yet flat facial appearance, while the new facelift is more like Mother Nature intended, with the natural contours and sculpture of a youthful face. Likewise, High-Definition Tummy Tuck(TM), a revolutionary tummy tuck procedure registered by California plastic surgeon Dr. Siamak Agha, uses sculpting to create the appearance of healthy, well-contoured abs one step further. of the traditional abdominoplasty. flatter results. Take a look at the Victoria’s Secret models: they have sculpted three-dimensional abs.

A tummy tuck (called tummy tuck by medical personnel), is a plastic surgery procedure that removes sagging skin and excess abdominal fat caused by previous pregnancies, normal aging, and/or weight loss. When combined with breast implants and/or a breast lift, it is often called a “Mommy Makeover”. Women all over the world have embraced the opportunity to recapture their pre-pregnancy silhouette that the Mommy Makeover procedure offers. Also, for people who have worked hard to lose weight only to be left with sagging skin and tissue, the traditional tummy tuck has given them a flat abdomen.

To achieve a flat stomach without surgery, men and women often spend many hours doing abdominal exercises and must follow a strict diet. However, exercise and diet can’t get rid of stretch marks, shrink belly skin, or tighten abdominal muscles stretched by pregnancy and weight gain. Although the surgical route will cost more than a gym membership, it can be a logical investment for men and women who have lost a significant amount of weight, as well as women who have broken up with their families and want to get rid of stretch marks and a flabby belly. .

The High Definition (TM) tummy tuck offers all the benefits of the traditional tummy tuck, but goes several steps further to create a three dimensional silhouette with six-pack-like fullness over the abdominal muscles and depressions in all the right places. Not to mention a scar that sits 1-1 ½” lower, making it much harder to see. In other words, it’s a sculpted result compared to the flat result of the traditional tummy tuck procedure. Flat is out. Sculpted it’s inside

In a traditional tummy tuck, the surgeon makes an incision in the bikini line, that area of ​​the lower abdomen usually hidden by bikini bottoms or panties, that is, about 1″ above the pubic bone. The area is then lifted to the lower ribs, after which the loose underlying abdominal muscles are bound and sutured, the navel is relocated to its new position on the abdomen, and the skin is pulled down to the incision site.A tummy tuck will remove the stretch marks of the lower abdomen on the skin that is removed.Unfortunately, this technique does not necessarily result in the natural look of a youthful belly, and the scar is often more noticeable than one would like.

The High-Definition Tummy Tuck(TM) procedure is separated from the traditional tummy tuck to create a more sculpted appearance: (A) the incision is 1-1 ½” lower, placed within the pubic hair and in the groin crease which greatly minimizes the appearance of the scar; (B) the abdomen is carefully liposuctioned to sculpt fatty areas and trim the waist; (C) some fat is left to mimic the much sought after chiseled abdomen, and (D) the Lower scar technique lifts the front of the thigh.

This signing procedure has been highlighted by prominent and highly respected news sources such as CNBC, Reuters, Smart Money and over 100 print publications.

Both the traditional tummy tuck procedure and the High Definition Tummy Tuck(TM) are performed under general anesthesia in a hospital operating room or accredited outpatient surgery suite, such as a plastic surgeon’s office, and should only be performed by a highly qualified surgeon. plastic surgeon with the training and experience to create reliable results.