Lifestyle Fashion

A lazy man’s guide to getting your ex girlfriend back

No one is prepared when they hear those dreaded “we need to talk” words. Soon after, a breakup usually follows. Men often handle breakups in a number of ways. Some guys go much further, begging, making promises, and sometimes even going so far as to stalk in an effort to win their ex back. Others accept the breakup as their destiny and hope that the grass will be greener on the other side of the road.

Finally, there are the guys who are determined to get their ex girlfriend back and are extremely frustrated because they just don’t know what to do.

More importantly, they want their ex girlfriend back and don’t really feel like they should have to jump through hoops to make it happen.

Fortunately, jumping through a hoop and losing every ounce of pride you have to get her back isn’t necessary. In fact, you don’t even have to chase it.

You will probably be surprised at how easy it is to get it back.

Follow these steps.

DO NOT call her anymore

Trust me, I know everything inside of you is telling you to reach out to her, but don’t. Not calling your ex girlfriend is simple because it doesn’t require any effort on your part except not to call her.

Now, it will feel awkward at first, but this step is necessary if you ever want things to go back to the way they used to be. She needs to be able to see the light and realize what life is like without you.

Showing up at her window in the middle of the night begging her not to go might work in the movies, but it’s bound to get you a restraining order in real life. Give him some time to get over his emotions and some time to consider if he really is better off with someone else.

Don’t worry, I’m not saying never call her again, this step is only temporary.

Make some minor changes

This step is just as easy as the first, but it requires you to make a few small changes to the appearance. I’m not telling you to go and become a new person, that’s too much work. Women have a great ability to notice changes in appearances.

Consider whitening your teeth or starting a regular exercise routine. Buy new clothes or consider cutting back on beer and pizza for a few days. Minor changes don’t require you to do much, just enough for her to notice that something has changed.

Wait till she gets the word

It won’t be long before word gets out about how great you look in your new clothes or how great that new haircut looks on you. She will instantly become curious and find a way to bump into you or want to meet you. Women have a need to know what is going on.

It will drive her crazy with curiosity that you seem to look and do better without her. She will want to know where the changes are coming from and she will wonder if it is because you are with someone else.

Like I said before, she will find a way to meet you in public or call you wanting to have lunch or catch up. She will be dying to know what is going on with you. This is the time when you need to be ready and know exactly what to say to convince her that she made a mistake by walking away from you.

Knowing exactly what to say is critical because you only have a small window of opportunity to convince her that she made a mistake in leaving you.

That’s where I would advise you to check out my review of two “Get Your Ex Back” programs (The Magic of Making Up and Texting Your Ex) online. You can find them on my Marriage, Relationship and Dating Advice Blog called Skills for Couples. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.