
4 Keys to Unlock Your Income Mindset – Are you looking for financial freedom?

How much is enough? Why do we always have to think about money or our income in terms of what is enough to lead a good life? Nature is abundant and there is more than enough for everyone to enjoy. When you look at a fruit tree, it is full of fruit, not just “enough” to feed you and your family or friends. If we are part of nature, why are we constantly thinking about earning “enough” to feel comfortable and not thinking about abundance?

LET’S THINK BIG today and see if we can break our limiting beliefs about money and income and unlock our high income/high success mindset.

There are 4 keys to change your income or money mindset:

Key 1: Break the need to work hours for dollars

Many start-up entrepreneurs quit their job to start a business or start a side business to earn more income. They do this thinking that their new company would offer them more freedom only to discover that they are still working hard and calculating money in hours to dollars.

On the other hand, people who have jobs feel dissatisfied because their incremental income over time is not enough for them for the life they want to lead. Their hard work over time doesn’t give them the returns they need to retire and live off their savings. The stress and pressures of work or keeping the job only add to that feeling of inadequacy.

How do you break the cycle of work hours for dollars and create earnings that allow you to live the lifestyle you want?

The answer to this in understanding the concept of being a “lifestyle entrepreneur”. A lifestyle entrepreneur creates a company that revolves around the lifestyle they want to live. They make money through a solid understanding and implementation of passive income strategies.

The question you should ask yourself at this point is:

“What kind of lifestyle do I want to live? Is my current career (or business) giving me the tools and benefits to live that way? If not, what should I change?”

Record the responses in your journal, if you can. You may be pleasantly surprised with the answers you give yourself.

Key 2: Stop being and feeling undervalued: Assess your true potential

Whether you’re a business owner, self-employed, self-employed entrepreneur, or just someone transitioning from a job to being your own boss, you know as well as I do that hard work is necessary for success. However, hard work without clarity will get you nowhere. Without a clear direction about your life and your business, clear income goals, and a clear idea of ​​how you can get there, your hard work won’t pay off.

Why don’t most people have this clarity? Clarity requires 3 things:

1. understanding your purpose – What do you want to contribute in this world?

2. Understand your value – What unique skills do you have that would help you make an impact in this world?

3. understanding your potential – What unique ability do you have to make it happen and how?

Let me give you an example. My purpose in my business is to help create successful entrepreneurial leaders who make a big impact within their communities. My unique skill lies in communication, workshop creation, and online marketing. I use this to communicate and deliver our content to our clients, creating my weekly Inbox Magazine and my online training programs. My potential to network with peers and mentors gave me the opportunity and idea to create a platform where I can invite our fellow coaches, experts and successful entrepreneurs to collaborate with our work and help our clients. That’s our HOW. This is how you can create clarity in your business. When you do, it brings incredible focus and energy to your growth.

You deserve the income you want to generate. It all starts with assessing your true value and potential – if your current job or business isn’t using the best of you to create your best life, you need to take a step back and look in the right direction.

Key 3: Focus on exponential growth

Many people focus on linear growth: a slow, incremental increase in what they earn throughout their lives. Successful people, on the other hand, practice exponential growth: they create multiple streams of income that allow them to grow by leaps and bounds. It is exponential growth that gives you financial freedom. It is what creates true abundance.

How do you create exponential growth? This leads to key 4 which is an extension of this key to success.

Key 4 – Find a leveraged system that gives you passive income through multiple channels

Success is never random. It is a constant process of innovation and growth. You have to find the right system that you can trust to provide you with the tools and foundation to create the exponential growth you seek. So the most important plan we can give you today is this:

1. Go for a leveraged system that can give you exponential growth: Find an online business and marketing platform that automates your business.

2. Learn how to create multiple streams of income through that system by fully utilizing your unique abilities and full potential – Once you know and see success in your system with one product or service, you can recreate the system for multiple products and services (thus creating multiple streams of income).

an important note: Although I say create multiple streams of income, keep in mind that you must first be successful in a project, product or service before you can diversify. Don’t get distracted by too many projects when you’re starting out.

3. Create passive income strategies and get away from the workday. If you want to consult, take individual sessions, or work on a hands-on project, by all means do so. But remember to create additional automated channels that gives you passive income too. Passive income strategies will help your business keep making money even without you being there. Some examples would be automated online programs for your business, or downloadable books and PDFs, taking advantage of affiliate marketing (reselling programs created by other people), or simply having affiliates sell your program around the world.

A change in your INCOME MINDSET and INCOME STRATEGIES will help you increase your earning capacity effortlessly, if you choose to do so. The choice to do smart business and financial growth is always with you.