Lifestyle Fashion

Overcoming infertility problems when trying to have a baby

Are you disappointed again this month, frustrated that your period has come yet again? When considering overcoming infertility problems, when trying to have a baby, it’s interesting to remember that when you were in school there was a lot of focus on you not getting pregnant. That was the only message that was given to you. Sex education focused on pregnancy prevention. There was no advice to prepare her for the future, to help her avoid potential pitfalls or pitfalls in trying to have a baby.

Today, with our modern lifestyles, fertility experts cite the incidence of not being able to conceive as “one in seven.” So doesn’t it make sense to spend some time discussing potential conception problems? If this is not addressed, there will be many unhappy and frustrated couples trying to have a baby.


Age can be a huge barrier to conception. Today, couples are giving up having a family later and later, putting their own lives and careers first. Targeting the next promotion, taking that expensive vacation, it’s just not the right time!

Of course, there will always be the exception to the rule, women can get pregnant with healthy babies well into their quarantine. But if you’re having trouble getting pregnant, consider the following.

Experts say that a woman is most fertile between the ages of 20 and 25 and then fertility declines, so that at age 35 she is half as fertile as when she was 20. So why is this?

Well, the older a woman is, the older her eggs are. It is understood that around the age of 35 a woman has fewer viable eggs due to a decrease in her ovarian reserve.

Also, older women have a more irregular pattern to their menstrual cycle, making it more difficult to predict ovulation.

The lining of the uterus thins as a woman ages, making it less capable of accommodating a fertilized egg.

This is not to say that all couples in their early twenties should go off and get pregnant, nor should the woman in her thirties panic. It serves to remind you that the older you are, the longer it can take to get pregnant.


Timing of intercourse is important when the goal is to overcome infertility problems and try to have a baby. There are only a few days in each month when you are most fertile and pregnancy is possible.

Considering that the sperm can live up to 5 days inside the woman and the egg, when released, only lives for 24 hours, there is a total of approximately 6 days when you are most fertile. Experts say that on any of these 6 days having sex increases the chance of getting pregnant, however, you have a better chance if you have sex in the 3 days before ovulation.

So it makes sense to try to get the timing right. How do you know when you ovulate? Most women ovulate around 12 to 14 days before the end of their period. You should be able to figure this out if you keep track of your periods for a few months. You can then count back 12-14 days from the end of your last period. However, this only works if you have regular periods of around 28 days. It is much more difficult to calculate if your menstrual cycle is irregular.

There are commercially prepared ovulation kits available that you can purchase to help you calculate your dates in these circumstances. Also, there are ovulation calculators available so check out some of the pregnancy websites.


If you want to overcome infertility problems while trying to conceive a baby, consider your lifestyle. Do you or your partner smoke or drink alcohol? Experts say that smoking can damage the ovaries; this can lead to miscarriages, so the advice is to stop now.

There are many products on the market to help you quit smoking, but remember that they also contain chemicals, so they may not be the most appropriate if you are planning to become pregnant. Experts say that it takes about 3 months for fertility to return to normal after quitting smoking.

Remember that once you are lucky enough to get pregnant, smoking is dangerous for the development of your unborn baby.

Excess alcohol can affect both men and women. In men, it can interfere with sperm production and the ducts of the male reproductive system. While in women it can interrupt the menstrual cycle and interfere with ovulation.

So if you’re trying to conceive and having trouble, then it may be best to cut out alcohol altogether.