Real Estate

17 Top Tips For Selling Your Home – Don’t waste another moment worrying about that sale!

If you are having difficulty selling your current property, fear no more. Here are a ton of tips for selling your home:

1) Know the real value of your house. Just because you like it doesn’t mean that others like it. Be prepared to have overvalued your house.

2) Adding a new $50,000 pool or new $40,000 kitchen will only add about $10,000 to your property value.

3) Spending $1,000 to resurface your driveway could add up to $5,000 worth.

4) The front of the property is as important as the interior. Potential buyers are more likely to leave than come in when they come across an ugly looking home!

5) You could save tens of thousands of dollars by selling your house yourself instead of using a real estate agent. They will charge between 5% and 7% to help sell your home.

6) Learn to advertise. Did you know that you can advertise your home on sites like Craigslist, Yahoo classified ads, and eBay? These websites receive millions of potential buyers every month.

7) Learn how to close the deal. If you’re going it alone, without the help of a real estate agent, you’ll need to know how and when to close the sale. Once you’ve agreed on a price, contact your attorney right away to get things rolling.

8) If someone makes you an offer that you think is too low, don’t reject it right away. Make a counter offer. Say you’ll throw in the washer/dryer too or whatever comes to mind!

9) When prospective buyers come to visit, make sure they remember you! Bake some fresh cookies and have a bag of goodies for them to take away. Your goodie bag could include sweets, a short report from you about the local area, and your contact details.

10) Always make sure your house is well lit when there are visitors. This will make your house look cleaner, brighter and more welcoming.

11) Remove personal belongings from the house. You want your buyers to be interested in your house and not in your great-aunt Gerty’s old photos!

12) One of the best tips for selling your house: be honest! Fix as many flaws in the property as you can, but always fully disclose any negatives! Your buyers will appreciate your honesty!

13) Try to befriend your buyer. Find out about them, their family, what they do for a living. Are you also selling? Finding common ground between the two of you will make you feel more comfortable. Remember that people buy from people they like!

14) Give your potential buyers a breakdown of all your home expenses. mortgage, fees, taxes, utilities, any expenses associated with your home. Once again, it will be greatly appreciated and will get you noticed.

15) Another of the great tips to sell your house – Sell at the right time. If the housing market is in decline, as it is right now, you may not get the price you want. Many people don’t want to move house until the school holidays or until the weather is warmer!

16) Host an open house. We are all nosy creatures by nature, so if you list your property for sale and have an open house, you can expect plenty of visitors. Just make sure you identify the actual buyers of the gift hunters!

17) Make sure you clean your house well. A great tip here is that once you’re done, ask a neighbor to check on the house. We are so used to having our clutter all over the house or we may not even notice lingering odors. It’s good to get the opinion of a stranger. Just don’t fall for it!

Shopping Product Reviews

Losing weight after childbirth: a myth or not?

A little peek into a friend’s diary.

…October 7, 2010 (about 13 months after Sally was born).

Woke up this morning feeling a little bloated after yesterday’s party, brushed my teeth after a hasty prayer, then headed to the bathroom. Before going into the bathroom, I checked my weight on the bathroom scale and it read 229 pounds. You really should do something about it. I’ll talk to Megan later today about my weight and what to do.

… November 10, 2010 (after a month of ‘single fruit’ diet)

I checked my weight again today: 228 pounds!

…January 2, 2011 (after a ‘one meal a day’ diet plan)

I checked my weight today: 215 pounds. Finally some progress! Today I will give myself a little whim to celebrate this success, even if it is small.

…March 13, 2011.

I checked my weight today: 220 pounds. My God! What’s going on? You really should do something about it.

The above was 4 years ago.

I’m sure many women can relate to this; especially those who gave birth more than a year ago. Her weight may not be as high as my friend’s, but it’s still there and she’s wondering if it’s possible to lose weight noticeably postpartum, or lose that belly fat, for that matter. In an attempt to help ourselves, we get into all sorts of weight loss programs, only to find that we gain the weight back in a couple of days or weeks. Some women still struggle to lose weight gained from pregnancies that occurred 5 or more years ago. Some have given up on weight loss altogether after trying ‘heaven and earth’ for postpartum weight loss. My friend, who has the above diary, asked me one day: “But, is it possible to achieve this successfully?” Before we answer that question, let’s take a look at the cause of pregnancy weight gain with hope. that would help us understand why it is so difficult to lose it afterwards.

The pregnancy

During pregnancy, women develop all kinds of cravings. It can be for any type of food at any time of the day. Also, because the baby also needs food for her growth and development, the mother eats much more than she normally eats. Some women really try to control her weight, but after one or two episodes of impending hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), they decide to start eating more so they don’t lose the baby. Therefore, women usually eat a lot during this period, thinking that “I’ll get rid of the weight as soon as I drop this baby.” Also, during pregnancy, the hormone responsible for maintaining the pregnancy to term, progesterone, enhances water absorption, further increasing weight gain. Other hormones also increase fat deposition during pregnancy. This is just to say a bit about the physiology of pregnancy in relation to weight gain.


After the baby is born, the first thing on your mind won’t be losing weight; You can count on that. It would be to sleep! You would hardly get enough rest at night because you have to wake up almost every hour and a half to feed the baby (either breast milk or formula). This could go on for about six months. However, in the back of our minds, we still intend to lose weight. For those women who exclusively breastfeed their babies, it is a little worse because they have to eat and drink enough if they want to give quality and good quantity of milk to their babies. ‘You can’t give what you don’t have’ and ‘garbage in, garbage out’. Don’t get me wrong and think I’m against exclusive breastfeeding because I’m not. I am a supporter of exclusive breastfeeding in the first six months of life and I know its importance. Exclusive breastfeeding in the first six months of life is best for the baby because it minimizes certain health risks. However, to continuously have enough quality milk to give your baby for six months, you need to eat well and drink enough. This of course could add to her weight gain unfortunately.

A myth or not?

The answer to that question is ”It’s not a myth. In fact, you can lose weight.” I’m sure you’ll be glad to hear this. So what is the key or the secret? The ‘key’ consists of two words: Balance and Optimization. Let’s start with Libra. Most women, in their attempt to lose weight, go into some really extreme and potentially harmful weight loss plans, like the one meal a day diet (like my friend whose diary we looked at above), the no-carb diet, all-fruit diet, excessively vigorous exercise. Eating one meal a day would mean that you would be hungry for most of the day. Also, you need energy that you get from carbohydrates. Therefore, it is not advisable to start on a total “no carb” diet. Excessively vigorous exercise can break down muscle cells which then release certain substances that can acutely shut down the kidneys (this is in extreme cases). The key to this is a healthy balance between diet and exercise. You can start like this: eat 3 healthy meals (no excess salt like junk food, no processed foods) of low/moderate amounts a day and exercise 5 times a week (an hour and a half per session) not vigorously. You would be surprised how much weight you would lose. If at any time of the day you feel like eating something between meals, you can snack on an apple. It is low in calories and has fiber in its skin which is healthy for you and does not cause weight gain. However, if you want to lose more weight (especially belly fat) and maintain your weight loss, you need to optimize your body.

Optimization means creating an environment in your body that allows your natural fat reducing hormone that is already present in your body to work. In other words, putting your body in the position that would allow the natural fat-reducing hormone to take effect. This hormone is called leptin, and the great part is that women have twice the amount of leptin that men have. Leptin is produced by fat cells and is the hormone that also reduces appetite. It is the basis of optimization. Few weight loss program developers have grasped this truth and used it to craft weight loss programs that, if you follow them, will not only noticeably lose weight, but will also maintain weight loss.

I wish you good luck in all your endeavours.

Health Fitness

Îmbunătățiți sănătatea pielii dvs. cu creme naturale

sănătatea pielii dvs. cu creme naturale

Dacă sunteți în căutarea unei modalități de a îmbunătăți sănătatea pielii și de a reduce cantitatea de substanțe chimice care sunt absorbite în ea, atunci ar trebui să luați în considerare utilizarea cremelor naturale. Acest tip de produs de înfrumusețare este mai accesibil decât omologii săi încărcați cu substanțe chimice și vă poate ajuta să luptați cu problemele comune ale pielii fără a dăuna mediului.

crema hidratanta pentru pielea sensibila

Cel mai important lucru de reținut atunci când alegeți o formulă naturală de îngrijire a pielii este că este important să găsiți una care să funcționeze pentru tipul dvs. de piele. Indiferent dacă ai tenul gras, uscat sau mixt, trebuie să te asiguri că este potrivit nevoilor tale. De asemenea, ar trebui să vă asigurați că produsul este realizat cu ingrediente de calitate și este formulat cu ingrediente active care lucrează cu funcțiile naturale ale corpului.

Multe produse naturale de îngrijire a pielii sunt certificate organic, ceea ce înseamnă că sunt derivate din ingrediente agricole care sunt cultivate în moduri care reduc la minimum impactul asupra mediului și promovează sustenabilitatea. Aceste produse pot purta sigiliul USDA Organic, care indică că sunt produse organic și conțin cel puțin 95% ingrediente organice.

Îmbunătățiți sănătatea pielii dvs. cu creme naturale

Organic poate fi o modalitate excelentă de a merge, dar este important să știți că nu toate produsele ecologice sunt cu adevărat organice și sunt etichetate doar „ecologice”. Greenwashing este o altă problemă, deoarece unele companii folosesc termenul „organic” pentru a induce în eroare consumatorii să creadă că sunt mai ecologici decât sunt în realitate.

Planta de mușețel a fost folosită de secole pentru a ameliora simptomele multor afecțiuni, inclusiv dureri de cap, febră și tuse. De asemenea, poate fi un tratament puternic pentru dermatită și eczeme. De asemenea, se știe că crește procesul de vindecare și îmbunătățește aspectul cicatricilor.

Are efect antiinflamator si este benefic si pentru reducerea roseata si umflarea care pot aparea dupa o arsura solara sau intepatura de insecta. Este, de asemenea, un antioxidant puternic, care ajută la reducerea semnelor de îmbătrânire, cum ar fi liniile fine și ridurile.

Uleiurile de cocos sunt un ingredient popular în multe produse naturale de îngrijire a pielii și sunt o sursă excelentă de nutrienți și umiditate pentru pielea ta. Sunt bogate în vitaminele C și E, care ajută la întărirea sistemului imunitar al pielii și o protejează împotriva daunelor radicalilor liberi.

Untul de cacao este un nutrient puternic care poate fi găsit în multe formule de îngrijire a pielii și este preferatul celor cu pielea foarte uscată sau deteriorată, deoarece ajută la refacerea umidității și supleței naturale a pielii. Acizii săi grași (inclusiv stearic, palmitic și linoleic) ajută la prevenirea mâncărimii, reducerea inflamației și hidratează pielea pentru un aspect sănătos și radiant.

Nucile de macadamia sunt o sursă bogată de antioxidanți și acizi grași esențiali, care sunt esențiali pentru menținerea pielii sănătoase. Sunt bogate în polifenoli, care au proprietăți antioxidante care sunt benefice pentru piele și pot încetini procesul de îmbătrânire.

Aceste uleiuri de nuci sunt grozave și pentru hidratarea și întărirea pielii, protejând-o în același timp de razele UV. Sunt bogate în vitamina E și, de asemenea, conțin o mulțime de acizi grași care ajută la regenerarea celulelor pielii și la prevenirea pierderii de umiditate.


Why should you choose Virgin Media?

It’s a great time to be a TV viewer in the UK. Between Freeview (not to mention its + and HD variants), BT, YouView, Sky, EE TV and NOW TV, there are more than enough options to keep you entertained from the comfort of your own home. However, there is one final option that I did not include above, and that is Virgin Media.

As the UK’s second largest pay-TV operator, it is tasked with keeping Sky on its toes and improving its service to the point where Sky is no longer the first choice for those looking for great entertainment at home. Nor is it just television that these two companies offer, because both also offer broadband and residential telephony. Simply put, they’re pretty similar, so why should you choose Virgin Media?

Let’s start with your TV offer. The Virgin Media TV is powered by TiVo, a Sky+-like box that lets you record and manipulate live TV from the comfort of your sofa. With a 500GB hard drive (enough for 500 hours of TV) and three tuners, it allows for neat tricks like recording three shows simultaneously while watching a fourth you previously recorded. It also has some features that simply can’t be found on Sky’s service, like built-in Netflix, YouTube and iPlayer, not to mention a dedicated 10Mbps internet connection, so your normal internet isn’t slowed down by your TV viewing. .

Through that box, you can get access to over 230 channels, 47 HD channels, 12 Sky-only channels, and even some 3D programming. There are five packages to choose from, from the basic ‘More TV’ package with 70 channels to the full ‘TV XL’ which also features BT Sport HD. Even better, you can also grab Sky Sports and Sky Movies on your Virgin Media subscription, so you don’t feel the pain of not being on Sky. In fact, the only channel you stand to lose if you switch to Virgin Media is Sky Atlantic, which hosts shows like Game of Thrones, The Last Panthers and more. However, if the thought of losing that is too much, you can always subscribe to NOW TV.

Moving on to Virgin Media’s broadband offering, we can really start to see the light between the two companies. Simply put, Virgin Media has the best broadband deal in the country, and even their most basic offer beats Sky’s most expensive offer. From its Super 50 Fiber with 50 Mbps broadband to its VIVID 200 Fiber with 200 Mbps broadband, the company delivers ultra-fast, stable broadband to large parts of the country. Plus, they never throttle or throttle your broadband usage, so you can stream as much Netflix 4K as your heart desires without fear of running into arbitrary throttling.

However, perhaps the most compelling reason to sign up with Virgin Media is their quad streaming offers. Because Virgin Media offers contracts for TV, broadband, home telephony and mobile telephony, they are the preferred destination for millions of Brits who don’t want to spend their lives dealing with bills from different companies. Those quad game deals are also some of the cheapest, making them a very attractive proposition for just about anyone, as long as they’re not in the middle of a contract with another company.

Virgin Media, then, offers a TV package that is comparable to that offered by Sky, broadband that amazes all others and quadruple deals that no other company can match. So, what are you waiting for?


As "Profit Leverage Effect" Works when using reverse auctions

The profit leverage effect on purchasing tells us that if your organization must find ways to reduce or contain costs, the best place to start is in the Procurement function. This is because a high percentage of the total costs of many organizations corresponds to purchased goods and services. When cost containment becomes a strategic need, whether due to reduced sales or revenue, high labor costs, or other factors, companies often focus on reducing costs in areas such as labor and overhead rather than to buy. Too often it is assumed that it is easier to implement job cuts than to reduce purchasing costs.

For example, as an industry average, 60% of all sales dollars are spent on purchased materials, and therefore small changes in the cost of purchased materials lead to large changes in profit. So if your business spends 10% of revenue on labor and wages and 25% on overhead, then your profit is an industry average of 5%. A five percent reduction in purchasing costs will result in a three percent impact on net income ~ (.05 X 60% = 3%). This will increase your earnings up to 8% from 5%, resulting in a 60% increase in earnings. In conclusion, a 5% reduction in purchasing costs will result in a 60% increase in profit.

Lowering your acquisition costs will also help your business in a highly price-competitive market. Your business will most likely lose margin as lower prices are required to compete in your market. If you can reduce your purchasing costs, you will be able to lower prices without losing your profit margin.

Fortunately, electronic sourcing technologies such as reverse auctions have become affordable, easy to implement, and are being used by small and medium-sized organizations to control purchasing costs.

While reverse auctions can’t be used to buy everything, they can have a positive impact on your company’s profitability without making painful decisions.

You can visit eDynaQuote to see examples of reverse auctions where companies have been successful.

Home Kitchen

Ideas for your new outdoor kitchen

One of the newest and most pleasant spaces in a home can be an outdoor kitchen. Families always seem to be divided during barbecues; some cooking inside and others socializing or grilling outside. With an outdoor kitchen, families can cook together and grillers don’t have to continually go in and out of the house to get dishes, cookware, or lighters, since everything you need can be easily stored in cabinets in the kitchen outside. fresh air.


If you have a pool, place your outdoor kitchen nearby for even more enjoyment. Family and guests will love taking a dip in the pool and being able to relax at an outdoor bar just steps away. Those preparing the food will feel like they are part of the action and can supervise the kids in the pool and chat with guests while they cook.

Leaving large openings in the walls will allow fresh air to flow in and keep everyone cool. This is a great way to enjoy the weather while protecting yourself from the sun. Outdoor kitchens have become increasingly popular in areas where residents enjoy pleasant weather for much of the year.


Small outdoor kitchens typically contain a small sink, built-in grill, under-counter refrigerator, and a few cabinets. Finding durable, water-resistant materials is important to build your kitchen so that it’s equipped to withstand bad weather and moisture.

Natural stone can be a great material to help define your space. It’s tough, flame resistant, and has a beautifully unique, natural appearance that will enhance the outdoor feel of your kitchen. Large rectangular tiles in natural slate can create a strong and attractive backsplash that will complement granite countertops and wood decking.

Granite is a popular material for outdoor countertops. Arguably the most beautiful outdoor option and creates a “high end” look. If installed correctly by an experienced professional, you should not have any adhesive or grout line issues. Granite is best for areas that aren’t exposed to direct sunlight, so make sure your outdoor kitchen is shaded.

If direct sunlight is unavoidable, concrete may be the best option. These countertops are cast in one piece and are therefore flexible in terms of shape. Concrete also has no grout lines and comes in an unlimited variety of colors.

If you’re looking to create a unique space and a new way to enjoy the beautiful weather, then consider an outdoor kitchen. This backyard oasis will help you get away from stressors inside the home and enjoy old-fashioned outdoor living with a modern twist.

Digital Marketing

Reasons why business owners should invest in export control software

Exchanges that do not meet the requirements could tarnish a company’s long-term prospects. Knowledge of various regulations is necessary to date. Unfortunately, companies that fail to “catch up” suffer legal ramifications. On the other hand, companies that are well-versed in the rules would benefit from a different perspective. The United States prohibits individuals or companies from exporting or providing services to companies on export denial lists and related lists.

The problem

Well, anyone would obviously think of reviewing the lists before dealing with their trading partners, but the problem is how would someone review a variety of lists in a very small period of time? Isn’t it tedious? And what about updates? In the meantime, you would also be hurting the business without any trade.

The solution

To find out if they are dealing with undesirable entities or not, companies can take the help of export control software that has a wide range of features. Coming up with their own versions, quite a few software vendors have tried to offer an “all inclusive” software system. It is important for companies to invest in this software and there are many reasons to support this fact. Let’s learn about some of them below:

Denied Party List – The software spans an extensive watch list that includes all non-compliant companies in the US and abroad. Finding information about trading partners is an easy task to perform with the help of this software. Businesses can avoid problems by using it.

Updated: No need to bring in new listings on a regular period to check about a trading partner, absolutely not. Since the software regularly updates those lists, companies can identify whether or not their partner or potential partner is compliant with the regulations.

Mass detection – Examining a company’s ITAR compliance status would become a daunting task for an individual if they don’t trust the software. With so many companies out there, it would be extremely difficult if there wasn’t a mass detection feature in the software. Therefore, software systems with mass detection feature offer a great deal.

Versatility: A feature like hold and resolution in the software allows people to put an operation on hold until the compliance officer offers full clearance. This, in turn, helps to carry out the process without further delays in shipping or business. These software packages are worth investing in with some versatile options.

Reduced Workload – Mass detection reference indicates how the workload can be reduced with the help of this software. Obviously, any company would look for an efficient method that improves its productivity without much abandonment. Thus, some software systems like this one meet that requirement of a company.

Affordable: A company that needs to check listings for ECCN or HTS classification, does not need to invest a fortune in purchasing these software packages. Software vendors can provide feasible software solutions to businesses based on their requirements while charging an affordable cost for it.

Health Fitness

Healthy Diet for the Prevention of Hemorrhoids

Eating a healthy diet for hemorrhoid prevention is not only great for digestive and colon health, but it’s also amazing for your entire body inside and out. People who eat a healthy diet feel fantastic on the inside while their outer appearance looks radiant. It will improve your overall quality of life.

Unhealthy greasy junk food and processed foods that lack nutritional value play a significant role in poor digestive and colon health. Eating a diet high in cholesterol and fighting it could be setting you up for hemorrhoids to appear in or around the rectum and anus. This is a condition that people want to avoid.

Hemorrhoids develop as swollen growths caused by a swollen vein or group of swollen veins located in and around the anal cavity.

The symptoms are extremely unpleasant to live with. Hemorrhoids cause a terrible itch that has been described by some hemorrhoid sufferers as constant.

Scratching irritates hemorrhoids the most, but if you’ve ever dealt with chronic itching, you can understand why people pick and scratch. It’s a desperate attempt to get a very momentary sense of relief.

I was there when I had an external hemorrhoid once and later in life the psoriasis made me scratch until I bled on occasion. It is not a very pleasant situation for anyone.

If the itching of hemorrhoids wasn’t enough agony for a person to endure, add in chronic burning pain where walking, sitting, or using the bathroom can bring tears to your eyes.

Hemorrhoids are horrible and turn what used to be simple everyday functions into a painful exercise. Hemorrhoid patients hate the idea of ​​having to move around because it’s so difficult when you have severe swelling of the rectum or around the opening of the anus.

A healthy diet for the prevention of hemorrhoids will reduce the risk of developing this health condition that affects millions of people each year. It is also an extremely affordable diet that will save you money while improving your overall health.

Healthy Diet for the Prevention of Hemorrhoids

Drink at least 8 glasses (8 oz) of water a day.

Avoid processed foods and unhealthy snacks.

Take a daily fiber supplement and a daily multivitamin.

Eat fresh fruits and vegetables.

Take Fargelin Plum Flower Pills to improve colon health (check with your doctor before use).

Eat plenty of foods made with whole grains and bran.

Add a delicious variety of beans, lentils and brown rice as garnishes to baked or grilled skinless chicken or fish.

Cut back on red meat, and when you do eat it, choose extra-lean cuts or extra-lean ground beef.

Snack on your favorite unsalted raw nuts and seeds.

Using a natural colon cleanse keeps bowel movements regular and healthy (check with your doctor before use).

This is easy for anyone to do and will help prevent the development of hemorrhoids due to irregularity and chronic constipation. I have been eating like this for 6 months and I feel more energetic. My bowel movements are like clockwork.

One of the main causes of my hemorrhoids was constantly struggling and straining to have a bowel movement. Increased pressure in the veins located inside the rectum and around the anus is forced to expand unnaturally, leading to painful swelling of the anal area.

My previous diet was a Starbucks Coffee Frappuccino®, a raspberry scone, or a butter croissant to grab for breakfast on the way to the office. Lunch was either fast food or one of the casual chain restaurants located around the office. I would drink Diet Coke during the workday instead of water.

When I got home, our dinners were based on a children’s menu. We ate a lot of mac and cheese, burgers, fish fingers, fried chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy, hot dogs, pizza, and chicken patties. It became our normal diet routine while watching TV.

I feel like you need to eat foods that aren’t the healthiest options from time to time. I have a decadent dinner once a month to satisfy my craving for tasty eats like Chicago-style deep-dish pizza with extra cheese, fettuccini alfredo, cobb salad with blue cheese dressing, chili rellenos, corned beef on rye with Russian dressing, and a tasty dessert.

The rest of the month I continue to eat healthy and continue to exercise on a regular schedule. I have had hemorrhoids once in my life and I never want to go through that ordeal again. It had such a negative impact on my way of life that I ended up depressed in addition to being in constant pain and discomfort.

Digestive and colon health care starts with a healthy hemorrhoid prevention diet like this one that reduces the risk of having to experience painful anal itching. It’s not going to be easy to change your eating habits overnight, over time it will become easier and easier to eat healthy.

Legal Law

Ten fantastic divine games for the whole family

Talking to our children about our faith is not something that God simply suggests we do; He expects us to. Regarding the ways of God, he says in Deuteronomy 11:19: “Teach them to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you go to bed and when you get up. “

Praying with our children and being an example is what we must do every day. But God never said that we can’t count on the help of specific tools to make the job of teaching our children about Him more fun! There are several Christian games on the market today that teach, train and entertain our children in a better relationship with Christ! Here are ten of them:

1. THE ONE GAME. Hey? A game that isn’t really a game? Kind of. This non-competitive game encourages communication and opens up topics for discussion for the whole family. Also available in Teen and Family versions. Depending on the version, the recommended age ranges from 5-Adult

2. THE LIFE OF CHRIST. This game includes more than 1,300 questions about the life of Christ and will give you a better understanding of God’s love and forgiveness through salvation. Recommended for ages 9 and up.

3. LIBRARY. One of the most popular Bible games of all time. Instead of defeating your opponents, you will be challenged to help them to win the game. Recommended for older than 8 years old.

4. DEFENSE OF THE BIBLE GAME. How well do you know the Bible? Will you be puzzled? Find out with this exciting and interesting trivia game that includes seven biblical categories. This one is for older players, recommended for ages 13+.

5. BIBLEMAN BOARD GAME. The popular fictional character comes to life in this fast-paced adventure in which players have to rescue children from “bad guys” and get them to the church safely before running back to BibleMan’s cave. Two ways to play: a basic game is designed for children ages 3-6, and the normal game is recommended for ages 7 and up.

6. APPLES TO APPLES BIBLICAL EDITION. This award winning game is now available in a Biblical version. A wonderful party game or just enjoy with your family of four on game night. This game combines clever comparisons and growing Biblical knowledge. Recommended for ages 9 and up.

7. LIFE STORIES CHRISTIAN VERSION. Everyone has a story to tell based on their own life experiences. This game gives you the perfect opportunity to tell the tale! Use the prompt cards to make up stories the whole family will enjoy! Recommended for ages 6 and up.

8. LAND OF THE BIBLE. If your kids love CandyLand, they’ll find BibleLand an even sweeter treat. Take a journey through the Bible, from creation to salvation. Recommended for ages 3-6

9. INCIDENTS. Answer questions like “who am I?” with only six tracks. This game offers a wealth of information for Bible lovers. Recommended for older than 8 years old.

10. BIBLICAL CHARACTERISTICS. This classic game brings Biblical themes to life. Act out words or phrases in six different categories. Great fun for the whole family. Recommended for ages 10+.

Teaching the Bible to your children will never be easier or more fun!

Lifestyle Fashion

Mobsters in America – Caspar Holstein – The King of Harlem Politics

He was considered a genius; a compassionate man who gave freely to the poor. But Caspar Holstein made his fortune from it in the Harlem numbers politics game, which he helped invent.

Casper Holstein was born on December 7, 1876 in St. Croix, Danish West Indies. His parents were of mixed African and Danish descent, and his father’s father was a Danish officer in the Danish West Indies colonial militia. The Holstein family moved to New York City in 1894. An extremely bright boy, Holstein graduated from high school in Brooklyn, no small achievement for a black man before the turn of the century. After graduation, he enlisted in the Navy and, during World War I, visited his homeland, then known as the Western Virgin Islands.

When Holstein was discharged from the Navy, he worked various odd jobs, including being a doorman in an Upper East Side building. He also became a personal assistant to a wealthy white couple, and years later, after he made his fortune and they lost theirs, Holstein supported this couple and later paid for his funeral.

Seeking to better himself, Holstein wandered around Wall Street, where he landed a job, first as a courier, then head courier, for a Wall Street commodity brokerage firm. Holstein fell in love with gambling, especially horses, but also dabbled in the stock market, examining the daily figures from the Boston and New York City Clearinghouses. One day Holstein came up with an idea that would drastically improve his situation. He knew that people in black neighborhoods like Harlem loved to gamble, but most of them didn’t have enough extra money to do so. When he had saved enough money to start his company, Holstein devised a scheme in which people could bet as little as ten cents on a random set of three-digit numbers, which would appear daily in New York City newspapers.

Using figures from the Boston and New York City Clearinghouse, Holstein took the middle two digits of the New York number and one middle digit of the Boston number. So if the totals for the two clearinghouses were 9,456,131 and 7,456,253 respectively, the winning number would be 566; “56” being the two digits before the last comma of the first digit, and “6” being the last digit before the last comma of the second digit. This system was so random that it could not be tampered with, as it would later be, when gangster Dutch Schultz got into the Harlem numbers business and began using racing figures, which he actually rigged. In the early 1920s, the Holstein system was all the rage in Harlem. Holstein became known as the “King Ball”, earning approximately $5000 per day.

Using his newfound wealth, Holstein contributed generously to worthwhile causes. He gave huge amounts of cash to St. Vincent Sanitarium, the nationalist Garvey movement, and funded Opportunity magazine’s literary awards, which uncovered much of Harlem’s young talent. Holstein built dormitories at black colleges and financed many of Harlem’s artists, writers, and poets. He also helped start a Baptist school in Liberia and established a hurricane relief fund for his native Virgin Islands. The New York Times said Holstein was “Harlem’s favorite hero, because of his wealth, his sporting inclinations, and his philanthropy among people of his race.”

Seeing how Holstein and Stephanie St. Clair had turned Harlem into a financial bonanza due to their numbers deals, gangster Dutch Schultz broke in and took over their games. So. Schultz had great politicians, including the disgraced Jimmy Himes in his back pocket. Schultz also bought out the police and killed black-record brokers en masse. Schultz eventually forced St. Clair to work for him, but Holstein turned down Schultz’s offers to consolidate his numbers business.

In 1928, Holstein was kidnapped for a $50,000 ransom by five white gangsters, assumed by the Harlem public to be thugs sent by Schultz. News of Holstein’s kidnapping made national headlines. The New York Times reported that Holstein had been seen at Belmont Race Track just days before his abduction, betting more than $30,000 on the ponies. Holstein was released after three days in custody, insisting that he did not pay a ransom. His explanation was that his captors felt sorry for him and released him with a $3 cab fare.

Holstein’s story carried little weight, however, as he soon scaled back his political activities. A few years later, Holstein stopped trading him on the street altogether and operated only as a better layoff. In 1935, even though he was barely in the game, Holstein was arrested for illegal gambling. He was tried and convicted, and spent a year in prison. Holstein claimed that he was framed, possibly by Schultz, but he spent his jail time without incident. When he was released from prison, Holstein got into the real estate business and provided mortgages for people in Harlem who were shunned by regular banks.

Casper Holstein died on April 5, 1944, at the age of 68. More than 2,000 people attended his funeral at Harlem’s Memorial Baptist Church. A scholarship at the University of the Virgin Islands and a housing development on St. Croix are named in Holstein’s memory.